The Most Revealing Things Beyoncé Said in Her Rare GMA Interview

Photo credit: Disney
Photo credit: Disney


Tonight, we saw Beyoncé do something she seldom does: an on-camera interview. Good Morning America got the exclusive footage, which the ABC aired this evening as part of its The Lion King: Can You Feel The Love Tonight special with Robin Roberts.

In the interview, Bey talked about The Lion King: The Gift album, which she curated, produced, and performed on, working on the film, and the legacy of the original.

Here, the most revealing quotes she gave:

On The Lion King: The Gift: "This soundtrack is a love letter to Africa, and I wanted to make sure we found the best talent from Africa, and not just use some of the sounds and did my interpretation of it."

"We've kind of created our own genre, and I feel like the soundtrack, it becomes visual in your mind. It's a soundscape. It's more than just the music, because each song tells the story of the film."

On the 1994 version of The Lion King: "I am still in a bit in shock that I'm a part of this film because I grew up watching The Lion King. It's the first Disney movie brought me to tears."

"Being a mother, my family is my biggest priority. It's not many films that the parents can go and feel the way I feel about I feel about The Lion King and...pass that legacy on to their kids."

On Nala's empowerment: "It was important to the director [Jon Favreau] that Nala and that the females in this film were heroes. And he put Nala right alongside Simba. I thought that was very interesting and very real, because the women are, you know, we're the fighters."

"The movie has an incredible spirit. It opens you up, it talks about the struggle of standing up and fighting for what you love. And it takes you on so many emotional rides."

On the music video for her Lion King song, "Spirit": "The concept of the video is to show how God is the painter and natural beauty in nature needs no art direction. It's the beauty of color, the beauty of melanin, the beauty of tradition."

"It was important that we weren't just inspired by Africa but that we actually included and learned from the motherland."

The Lion King opens in theaters on Friday.

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