Most popular baby names in New York: Top 10 lists for boys, girls

Baby names chosen most often by New York parents don't fully line up with the most popular names in the country. New York also has plenty of fluctuation year-to-year, though New Yorkers are partial to one boy name that has topped the list every year since 2015, according to data from the Social Security Administration. Here are the names parents from the Empire State loved best in 2023:

Most popular baby names in New York

Liam and Emma were the most popular baby names in New York for 2023, according to data from the Social Security Administration. This past year marked the ninth straight year that Liam topped the list, when it replaced Jacob, which was most recently the top boy name in New York in 2014. Emma was also in the top spot in 2018 and consistently was listed second behind Olivia, according to Social Security Administration records.

Most popular boy names in New York

  1. Liam

  2. Noah

  3. Lucas

  4. David

  5. Joseph

  6. Oliver

  7. James

  8. Michael

  9. Jack

  10. Jacob

Most popular girl names in New York

  1. Emma

  2. Olivia

  3. Sophia

  4. Mia

  5. Amelia

  6. Isabella

  7. Charlotte

  8. Ava

  9. Leah

  10. Luna

Top boys and girls names in the U.S.

There were quite a few differences between New Yorkers' choices and the names picked by parents throughout the nation, with five names on New York's boy list -- David, Joseph, Michael, Jack and Jacob - and one name on the girl list - Leah - that didn't make it into the nationwide top 10.

Liam and Olivia topped the nationwide list for the fifth straight year. One new name, Mateo, made it into the top 10 this year, climbing from 11th to sixth place between 2022 and 2023.

Most popular boy names in the U.S.

  1. Liam

  2. Noah

  3. Oliver

  4. James

  5. Elijah

  6. Mateo

  7. Theodore

  8. Henry

  9. Lucas

  10. William

Most popular girl names in the U.S.

  1. Olivia

  2. Emma

  3. Charlotte

  4. Amelia

  5. Sophia

  6. Mia

  7. Isabella

  8. Ava

  9. Evelyn

  10. Luna

Trending baby names in the U.S.

Another page from the Social Security Administration lists baby names that have increased the most in popularity from one year to the next. According to previous reporting from the USA TODAY network, many of these trending names seem to take influence from social media.

Examples of possible inspirations for top names in this category included YouTube and Tiktok influencer Kaeli McEwen or Kaeli Mae and TikTok creator Wyatt Eiden.

Trending boy names in the U.S.

  1. Izael

  2. Chozen

  3. Eiden

  4. Cassian

  5. Kyren

  6. Semaj

  7. Kaizen

  8. Kyaire

  9. Jahmir

  10. Jesiah

Trending girl names in the U.S.

  1. Kaeli

  2. Alitzel

  3. Emryn

  4. Adhara

  5. Azari

  6. Kya

  7. Ivey

  8. Ainara

  9. Arely

  10. Scottie

Most popular names in the U.S., ranked

For the entire list and rankings, go to

This article originally appeared on Rochester Democrat and Chronicle: Most popular baby names in New York: Top 10 lists for boys, girls