Our Most Delicious Tomato Soup Recipes

Consider the juicy, red tomato. It is one of the easiest plants to grow in the summer, so easy that we plant way too much and spend the summer weeding, fertilizing, watering, and harvesting basketfuls of cherry tomatoes, Better Boys, Cherokee Purples, and Beefsteaks. We slice them into sandwiches, dice them into salads, and serve them over grits or eggs. Tomatoes always be a favorite among the summer vegetable bounty, and we love to share our excess produce with our family and friends. Another reason we love the prolific tomato is that it can be frozen or canned, stored away for the cold winter months when we crave a taste of summer goodness. There are several ways of incorporating the versatile tomato into a soup; with some additional ingredients, frozen or canned tomatoes can be turned into a thick and creamy comforting dish. Many grew up loving a bowl of warm tomato soup and a hearty sandwich, either for lunch or an early supper on a chilly evening. Reach for a can of that beloved store brand and add a few ingredients to kick it up a notch, or start from scratch and make your own. Check out this selection of tomato soup recipes and find the perfect one that fits your needs.