More free summer reading is on the way

It's the unofficial start of summer. It's a great time to read a book or two.

Especially if it doesn't cost anything.

To get free reading material, you can either go to the library (who really wants to read books other people have touched?) or you can enter the Father of Mine giveaway.

If you entered last weekend, I'll include you in the next drawing. Gerry in Illinois, Jason in Minnesota, and Fielding in Michigan will be getting signed copies from the most recent contest.

If you didn't enter but still want to, send an email to with this subject line "Father of Mine 5/25/24 Giveaway." Include your address and preferred inscription.

Or if you’d like to buy it, you can get the ebook for $3.99 or the print edition for $14.99.

The current plan is for the sequel to land on the weekend that marks the unofficial end of summer.

Seriously, it's not bad. It's a mob story inspired by actual events, set in 1973.