How to Get More Free Food on Your Next Flight

If you’re feeling hungry on your next flight, don’t despair: your in-flight crew is happy to help.

While it may seem strange that anyone would want a second in-flight meal, some airlines offer some pretty decent fare, especially on long-haul flights. That’s right, long gone are the days of cheese sandwiches and mystery “beef” stroganoff — at least for the most part.

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When passengers are feeling a little peckish on flights, crews will usually do their best to accommodate them.

“Requests for extra food from passengers are not turned down. Passengers who ask for an extra meal will be given one, subject to availability,” an Aeroflot spokesperson told The Telegraph.

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Similarly, a British Airways spokesperson told the news outlet that requests are pretty rare, but if a customer does ask for an extra meal, the crew will “accommodate where possible.”

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For the most part, asking for an extra bag of pretzels is easily accommodated. However, any customer who wants seconds on their in-flight meal will have to wait until the end of service to see if there’s any left over. If so, the crew is usually happy to give up what’s left. A Virgin Atlantic spokeswoman confirmed this policy as well.

“If we have some left at the end of service then we can always offer another,” she said.

Asking for more food is a great idea for travelers who have tight schedules and won't have time to eat upon landing, or for those who are looking to save a few bucks — although they might get weird looks from their neighbors.

Airplane food — no matter how many improvements they’ve made — is still airplane food, after all.