How the New Moon in Aquarius of February 2024 Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Reach for the stars and step into your limitless potential. The energy is electric and supercharged, almost as if the cosmos was brimming with anticipation. If you’re wondering how the new moon in Aquarius of February 2024 will affect each zodiac sign, something extraordinary is about to unfold.

The fact that change is underway is emphasized by the fact that both the sun is in Aquarius and transformative Pluto is also journeying through this forward-thinking air sign. There is no better time to reflect on your vision for the future and the individual you aspire to become. Change is on the horizon, signaling an era of enlightenment while directing the masses toward higher states of consciousness that affects the entire collective.

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A trailblazing new moon is headed our way, renewing itself via 20 degrees of revolutionary Aquarius, on February 9 at 5:59 p.m. ET. Also known as the beginning of a brand-new lunar cycle, the new moon phase is associated with renewal, beginnings, and seeds of potential. The moon is a symbol of your emotional landscape, and as it joins forces with the sun—a symbol of your ego and physical identity—this lunar event is a powerful synergy of your innermost feelings and your external existence. In addition to being a reminder of the interconnectedness that exists between our emotional and physical reality, the new moon encourages us to set intentions that will essentially bring our inner world into alignment with our actions moving forward.

StyleCaster | New Moon Rituals For Every Zodiac Sign
StyleCaster | New Moon Rituals For Every Zodiac Sign

The sun and moon will form a dynamic square with Uranus—the “Great Awakener” and the planet of chaos, technology, liberation, and unexpected breakthroughs—urging us to challenge societal norms and conventions while advocating for personal authenticity and individual freedom. This cataclysmic synergy epitomizes the meeting of the old and the new. This rebellious planet will often bring surprising revelations, leaving us with no choice but to adapt to unforeseen circumstances. Think back to 2018, when Uranus first debuted in Taurus. This transit has challenged our perception of stability and security, prompting us to reassess our values and priorities.

The new moon in Aquarius will take place on February 9 at 5:59 p.m. ET.

Be sure to keep an open mind, as this new moon brings sparks of insight and clarity, specifically when considering what is of value to you when it comes to your future visions, community affairs, and sense of belonging in the world. You’re becoming more aware of what you don’t want and what you’re no longer settling for. The sovereign and freedom-loving essence of Aquarius reminds you to choose yourself and, more importantly, stand up for what you truly believe in.

How the New Moon in Aquarius Will Affect Each Zodiac Sign

Here’s what you can expect from the upcoming new moon in Aquarius, according to your sun sign, moon sign or rising sign (and seriously, you’re missing out if you don’t read these horoscopes for your rising sign):


Take a breath, and welcome in this fresh breeze of opportunity. The moon is renewing itself in the futuristic sign of Aquarius, bringing fertility and new beginnings to your 11th house of community, future goals, and individual freedom. As you set your sights on the future, you’re encouraged to seek out like-minded individuals who share similar visions and can offer unique perspectives. Be open to unconventional paths and unexpected allies, as this cosmic energy encourages flexibility. On another note, it’s important to be discerning when forming new connections as a way to ensure they align with your values. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Redefine your goals and take bold steps toward your destiny. Disruptive and futuristic, February’s new moon in Aquarius is activating the most public point in your chart, which happens to be your 10th house of authority. That being said, as the winds of change blow through your career sector, you’re encouraged to consider fresh approaches to your work, as it is a pivotal time to set new objectives and explore unconventional paths to success. Your determination and stability are some of your greatest assets, but Luna’s square to Uranus in your sign reminds you to balance your desire for security with your commitment to personal growth. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Broaden your intellectual horizons. A forward-thinking new moon in Aquarius will ignite your ninth house of expansion, sparking everything from a desire for adventure to unconventional pursuits. The possibilities are truly endless, so if you’ve got your sights set on a new philosophy,  higher education, or a foreign land you’d like to visit, this lunation is urging you to prioritize the value of your experiences. Luna will square off with also Uranus, creating friction between your desire for freedom and the need for practicality. But with authenticity, enthusiasm, and an open mind, you have everything you need to manifest the future of your dreams.


Embrace change and be open to healing and growth in your most intimate relationships, Cancer. This is especially significant to consider with the moon renewing itself in Aquarius via your eighth house of energetic exchanges, as there is a plethora of new ways to connect with like-minded individuals who share similar visions and dreams. In addition to forging new partnerships and deepening your intellectual bonds, this is an opportunity for you to address lingering emotions or explore alternative approaches to joint finances and investments. Moreover, it’s important to remain adaptable, as Luna’s square to Uranus could spark unexpected shifts when in regard to your personal and professional investments. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


It’s a magical time to set intentions in matters of the heart and collaboration, Leo. With the moon renewing itself in freedom-loving Aquarius and your seventh house of partnerships, you’re being encouraged to redefine your approach to both personal and professional connections. Consider new ways to enhance your existing partnerships or seek unconventional relationships aligning with your long-term goals. When considering the influence of Uranus, it’s important to be discerning between your desire for independence vs. your need for security, specifically in the realm of career and when it comes to your sense of authority.  The more authentic you are in your approach to relationships, the more likely you are to establish secure connections and collaborations. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Revamp your day-to-day routines and streamline processes. With Luna renewing itself in Aquarius and your sixth house of daily devotions and due diligence, you’re being encouraged to remain adaptable and open-minded when regarding everything from your health habits to your go-to work schedule. Consider this an opportunity to explore alternative wellness routines or perhaps even create a more efficient regimen in your professional life. The new moon will also be at odds with change-maker Uranus, creating friction between your desire for progress in your day-to-day vs. your newfound values, and belief systems. Your manifestations are in progress, so try to steer away from setting expectations. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Tap into your inner rebel, and embrace the spirit of change. February’s new moon in Aquarius is activating your flamboyant fifth house of authenticity, signaling a brand-new era in the realm of creativity, passion projects, and self-expression. Under this eccentric new moon, don’t be afraid to go to the beat of your own drum; explore new avenues for connection and inspiration. Not that you’d ever have to change your appearance, but this is the cosmic makeover you never knew you needed. On another note, while at odds with erratic Uranus, you’re more likely to experience friction between your newly found need for freedom of expression vs. the desire to nurture a stable connection. Befriend the chaos, for now. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


The definition of home is subjective, but this lunation is offering you a chance to redefine your sense of security, Scorpio. Charging up your domestic fourth house of home, family matters, and innermost feelings, February’s new moon is paving the way for a personal journey of healing, growth, and liberation. Consider the highs and lows of your early experiences, specifically when considering emotional dynamics and family constructs, as Luna’s square to Uranus reminds you to expect the unexpected regarding your family ties, and current living situation. If something’s been hindering your personal or professional growth, you’re finally seeing the logical side of things. Your emotional freedom awaits. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Express yourself, and stand up for what you believe in. With the new moon touching down on your cerebral third house of communication, it’s safe to assume you’re as curious and outspoken as ever. In addition to honoring the eccentricity of your unique perspective, the cosmos is urging you to engage in thought-provoking discussions that contribute to your perpetual pursuit of wisdom. Your connection to siblings and those within your immediate environment is no exception, as the new moon encourages you to partake in meaningful conversations that provide each of you with enough room to speak your truth. While at odds with Uranus, however, it’s important to consider different POVS as opposed to committing to a set plan of logistics. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Re-evaluate your definition of financial security, and don’t be afraid to explore your options, Capricorn. Easier said than done for a traditional earth sign, but we all need to adapt to grow. Consider this an opportunity to address monetary issues, as well as the goals you’ve previously set for yourself in the process. Exploring unconventional methods and sources of income could lead to prosperity, but your sense of self-worth is no exception as you are simultaneously discovering a newfound set of values. Luna will face off with rebellious Uranus, and this could explain why you’re suddenly at odds with your desire for freedom and self-expression vs. your sense of security. It’s all unfolding exactly the way it’s meant to. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Ready for lift-off, Aquarius? With the sun and moon joining forces in your sign, you’re being blessed with a clean slate and a brand-new beginning. On top of exploring new avenues that contribute to your personal and professional growth, Luna is urging you to embrace your unique attributes and harness this energy for self-exploration. It’s time to commit to your authenticity and reassess your goals in the process. While at odds with your modern ruler, Uranus, you could feel a sense of restlessness regarding your desire for security and the insatiable need to express yourself. Don’t be afraid to reinvent yourself, even if that means tempering your constant need for independence. Lean on those who support the individual you’ve become, or would like to be someday. Read your full monthly horoscope here.


Despite Aquarius’ cool, calm, and collected approach, this new moon will be one of deep introspection and self-reflection, Pisces. Hovering over your enigmatic 12th house of secrets, inhibitions, and unconscious patterns, February’s new moon is presenting you with the opportunity to break away from everything hindering your mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Tap into your sparkling intellect when navigating the hidden realms of your psyche, as you are likely confronting and releasing self-sabotage patterns in the process. Luna will form a dynamic square to change-maker Uranus, inspiring you to re-evaluate the value (and overall stability) of your social circles and long-term goals. The key is to manifest with both compassion and commitment. Read your full monthly horoscope here.

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