This Month's Full Moon in Sagittarius Is a Moment to Be Totally Unfiltered

This Month's Full Moon in Sagittarius Is a Moment to Be Totally Unfiltered
This Month's Full Moon in Sagittarius Is a Moment to Be Totally Unfiltered

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As the mutable fire sign, Sagittarius is adventurous, full of wanderlust, and a strong defender of the truth and justice. Thanks to its ruler, Jupiter, the planet of abundance, the ninth sign of the zodiac is associated with going big or going home, so as far as Sag is concerned, more is pretty much always better. And that expansive, unfiltered, go-getter vibe sets the tone for this month's full moon in the sign of the Archer.

Falling on Tuesday, June 14 at 7:52 a.m. ET/4:52 a.m. PT, this spirited, romantic, and yes, plenty fiery moon is an opportunity to go with your gut, take a stand, and speak your truth. After the dramatic and often heady spring we've had, thanks to eclipse season and Mercury retrograde, it's sure to be an especially empowering moment.

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The full moon in Sagittarius is an opportunity to speak your truth. 

Full moons — which happen when the confident sun exactly opposes the intuitive moon — always present a monthly opportunity to wrap up projects you started six months or even two weeks prior. They're culmination points, breaking points, and a chance to release anything that's no longer serving you. And with this month's full moon falling in jovial, unfiltered, philosophical Sagittarius, you'll be more apt to hear your intuition and allow that to drive how you express whatever your gut has been telling you — likely for at least the last six months. After all, the new moon that kicked off this particular cycle also happened to combine with a solar eclipse to not only initiate a new chapter but to spur massive change.

And given Jupiter's influence, there's likely nothing small about the moves you could be prepared to make now. You might be motivated to channel your emotions into an experience that moves you beyond boundaries and promotes personal growth, given that Sag is the ruler of the ninth house of adventure and higher learning.

But while Sag has a rep for being such a dynamic, bold sign, it's also a mutable one. The sign of the Archer, as well as Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces, the mutable signs are the most adaptable of the zodiac. So while this full moon is certainly one that could spur outspoken, spirited behavior, it's also a time that lends itself to going with the flow.

A sextile to Saturn promotes stability.

Although the big, bold Sag energy can motivate similarly big, bold emotional epiphanies and speeches, the moon forms a steadying sextile to Saturn, the planet of restriction and commitment, in logical fixed air sign Aquarius, which could function a little bit like a much-needed brake if you're at risk of hitting the gas a bit too hard. Another way of thinking of it: If you're pumped to pursue a thrilling vision that's a bit unwieldy, the sextile to Saturn can help you make it more practical and concrete.

The moon's square to Neptune could cloud the path forward.

After three weeks of confusion, thanks to Mercury's backward turn, you're no doubt ready for plenty of clarity. And again, Sag is all about celebrating the whole, unfiltered truth, no matter the cost. But while you may be able to pinpoint exactly how you feel during this full moon, the facts, figures, and specifics of how you'll get to wherever you've decided to go could be a bit foggy. That's the effect of the moon squaring off against Neptune, the planet of spirituality which tends to cloud rational thought. It's a case for using this moment to express yourself fully — and then perhaps waiting for the dust to settle before making your next move.

Ultimately, getting real is the whole ballgame.

It bears noting that just hours before the full moon is exact, Mercury will have entered Gemini, where it last spent time between April 29 and May 22 (albeit retrograde for the last 12 days of that period). In turn, something that was on your mind or on the tip of your tongue back then could once again be your focus. And with Sag at the wheel, saying what you want to say won't feel like an option anymore. Instead, it's exactly what you now know you need to do to turn your wildest dreams into something the Archer values more than anything: the truth.

Here, how this Sag full moon will affect you, based on your sign. (Pro-tip: Be sure to read both your sun and your rising sign, if you know it. If you don't, you can find it on your natal chart or via this CafeAstrology calculator.)

Aries (March 21-April 19)

With the full moon falling in your ninth house of adventure, it's time to reject any limitations that have been preventing you from fully embracing life. It could be as simple as a narrative you've been telling yourself — or a particular career path that's no longer serving you.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The full moon falls in your eighth house of emotional bonds, inspiring you to strike out against — and possibly even close the door on — anything that's been making you uncomfortable or less than supported in your most intimate relationships.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

The full moon is in your seventh house of partnership, and now Mercury is back in your sign, making this a moment in which you can't help but see your closest one-on-one relationships in the stark daylight. Embracing the truth and talking it through can promote personal growth.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Falling in your sixth house of wellness, this full moon could mark a turning point for your daily routine and health. You're motivated to stand up for your needs and habits that will support your sense of centeredness.

Leo (July 23-August 22)

The full moon falls in your fifth house of romance and self-expression, inspiring you to put your creative vision and joy first. You might need to set a boundary with a partner — romantic, platonic, or professional — to achieve a long-term wish.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Falling in your fourth house of home life, the full moon requires you to work through some deep emotional terrain related to your inner or early life. Healing self-work can be especially productive now.

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Because this full moon falls in your third house of communication, you could be stretched a bit too thin in so far as your responsibilities to friends, social groups, and siblings. Your challenge now is to determine what's really worth your energy and put anything extra on the backburner.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

With the full moon falling in your second house of income, you're ready to take a loud and proud stand to get the recognition and respect you likely feel you've been lacking on the job. With the sextile to Saturn lighting up your home zone, defending your sense of security is a must.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

With the full moon occurring in your sign, you could be reaching the end of the finish line on a large-scale goal. You deserve to give yourself plenty of time to celebrate what you've accomplished before plowing ahead into your next adventure.

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

The full moon falls in your twelfth house of spirituality, and your dreams could be much more intense than usual. Thanks to the sextile to Saturn in your third house of communication, talking through deep-rooted emotions that are coming up for you now can be particularly productive.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Falling in your eleventh house of networking, this full moon might be characterized by true progress for you and your colleagues. And its sextile to Saturn shows you're all more than up for any challenge that is currently — or soon to be — in your way.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) 

This full moon is in your tenth house of career, so you could be at a turning point professionally. It's about time you were recognized for all your hard work, and you'll do well to say so.