Your Monthly Love Horoscope for October 2023

Your Monthly Love Horoscope for October 2023. Discover your Monthly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


The change in communicative energy as Mercury leaves Virgo—the sign that likes to be right—for airy Libra on October 4 will take some adjusting to. With this chatty vibe in your seventh house, Aries, you’re a lot less likely to argue and a lot more likely to want to compromise. Like who even are you?!

Your power planet Mars pairs with intense Scorpio, the other sign it rules, starting on the eleventh, boosting your sexiness and sense of intrigue. Even if you feel something special for someone, you don’t have to put it all on the line. Let them wonder about it for a while.

The sun follows Mars into shadowy Scorpio on October 23, increasing your secretive mystique. It isn’t your intention to drive a current or potential partner crazy, but you’re a very frustrating yet alluring puzzle now. Good luck to anyone who tries to figure you out!

On the twenty-eighth, a mischievous Mercury-Jupiter opposition arrives and puts winning at the top of your romance to-do list. Is there anything you won’t turn into a contest? You don’t seem to think twice before crossing the line, which will be a turn-on for some people and a turnoff for others.


Mercury leaves the company of predictable fellow earth sign Virgo for easygoing Libra on October 4, which means communication loosens up a little bit. Would you like it if bae or a date texted, called, or showed up when they said they would? Of course. But you’re not going to hold it against them if they don’t (especially if they have a good reason).

Lovely Venus partners with strict Virgo on the eighth, so you’ll be setting some pretty high standards for yourself. While you can’t change what other people do, Taurus, you totally claim responsibility for yourself. And when you’re focused on love, romance, and relationships, you’re on your very best behavior, nothing less.

On October 9, a Venus-Saturn opposition puts some stress on your emotions and can cause loneliness or sadness. Even though you might not be able to pinpoint exactly what’s wrong, doing some self-reflection can help you figure it out. Feeling isolated even though you’re with someone is the worst.

The magical full moon and lunar eclipse land in your tactile sign on the twenty-eighth, adding a layer of depth and intensity to all your romantic interactions. Your senses pick up on everything, whether the subtle scent of your crush or the amazing taste of the dinner made for you by your SO. Enjoy your surroundings and every amazing sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch you experience during this lunation.


The union between Mercury and like-minded breezy air sign Libra starts on October 4 and lasts a couple of weeks. Your charm is irresistible, Gemini, so if you’re single, this could be an excellent dating window. If you’re part of a couple, plan fun, low-key dates that aren’t likely to cause any stress.

On the tenth, transformative Pluto goes direct while in ambitious Capricorn, urging you to set changes in motion that can improve your future. Whether you’re in a good or a bad place now, you can always make it better. Aim for the sky but be realistic as well.

The Universe produces a sun-Mercury conjunction in fair-minded, nonjudgmental Libra on October 19, which is the perfect time to give someone another chance or revisit a topic that you’ve been arguing about. It’s practically guaranteed that you’ll see things differently this time.

Your leader Mercury leaves lovely Libra for intensely secretive (and intimidating) Scorpio on the twenty-second, which could close a door you’ve recently opened. What do you gain by playing hard to get and other immature games? Unfortunately, this partnership can really expose your insecurities.


The intense combination of Mars in Scorpio that starts on October 11 lights up your romantic fun zone and brings on the passion! You have the best time now with intriguing fire signs who can get you to act spontaneously.

Your emotional leader Luna is in her new phase while in lovely Libra on the fourteenth, at which point you’ll also experience a solar eclipse. Your mood should balance out now as you start to see the big picture. Letting some of the minor details go can be so freeing for your love life, Cancer.

October 21 is a big day as a Venus-Jupiter trine, sun-Pluto square, and Mercury’s entry into Scorpio all happen within a short time frame. You have some serious romantic decisions to make now, but you might not want to take anyone else’s advice. When fate combines with your advanced sense of intuition, you know exactly what to do.

Another major lunar event on the twenty-eighth, the full moon accompanied by a lunar eclipse in Taurus, ends the month with an intense vibe. If you’re still stubbornly clinging to the past, this lunation gives you reason to let go. The future looks so much brighter.


When Venus starts soaking up Virgo’s practical vibes in your second house of money and possessions on October 8, your spending habits are curbed. If you’re in a relationship, this month’s buzzword is “budget”! If you’re single, there’s no need to buy a new outfit for every date you go on.

The new moon and solar eclipse in well-meaning Libra arrive on the fourteenth, which could cause you to be ridiculously indecisive. If you really can’t make up your mind, Leo, you might have to toss a coin. Maybe not the best way to choose between your current romantic options, but the clock is ticking.

October 19 brings a harmonious sun-Mercury conjunction in agreeable Libra, which can actually help you solve other people’s love dilemmas. Even if your own love life is a mess, you still have valuable advice to offer your bestie, coworker, or sibling!

On the twenty-fourth, an ambitious sun-Saturn water trine materializes and gives you an emotional depth that you didn’t have earlier in the month. Some things make you incredibly sad and others make you amazingly happy, but one thing’s for sure: there’s nothing low-key about love during this intense aspect.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


Your smart ruler Mercury leaves your precise sign to pair up with easygoing Libra on October 4, bringing out your charming, flirty side. This communicative combo helps you stop thinking about what can go wrong and helps you focus on what might go right, which really helps lower your anxiety regarding romantic situations.

On the eighth, caring Venus enters your first house of self, so you might start to shift a lot of the focus onto your own wants and needs. It isn’t like you to be selfish, Virgo, but there’s nothing wrong with feeling indulgent and/or deserving. New beginnings are possible now, but setting a “me first” precedent might not be wise.

Newbie asteroid Juno is also linked to your first house starting on October 17, giving stability to a current or developing relationship. Be sure to pay a lot of attention to details now, because they can give you hints about whether things are going right or wrong, as well as how to fix or capitalize on them.

The twenty-first brings a lucky AF Venus-Jupiter trine that can help you do a complete 180 if things in your love life are sh*tty. The best part about this fortunate aspect? You don’t have to do a thing. Trust in the Universe and it will deliver the magic you’ve been hoping for.


When your diplomatic, cooperative sign starts hosting communicative Mercury on October 4, the next couple weeks should be argument-free. Your main goal is to keep the peace, so you rarely engage in any kind of controversial conversations. Meeting your partner or date in the middle is what you strive for.

Love goddess Venus leaves warmhearted Leo to partner with analytical Virgo on the eighth, and you start to overthink certain romantic situations. There’s nothing wrong with paying attention to the details, Libra, but worrying too much about things that probably won’t ever happen can be super stressful.

Your sometimes insincere sign hosts the new moon and solar eclipse on October 14, so try not to commit to things if you have no intention of following through. You don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but isn’t telling a little white lie to a date or partner just prolonging the inevitable?

When the bright sun and Mercury meet up in your enchanting sign on the nineteenth, it's the perfect time to ask forgiveness for any mistakes you made earlier in the month. When you smile that smile and turn on the charm, it’s almost impossible to say no to you.


As Mars and retrograde Pluto, your two co-rulers, square off against each other on October 8, you’re feeling a little on edge. You crave being in control, but this aspect produces way too much uncertainty than you’re comfortable with. Resist the urge to lash out at someone who is only trying to help, Scorpio.

On the tenth, regenerative Pluto goes direct while in earth sign Capricorn, highlighting your language and communication zone. You’re ready to reflect on some very deep thoughts now that can lead to earth-shattering conclusions. Just keep in mind that the person you’re with (or want to be) might not be ready for their mind to be blown.

And if that isn’t intense enough, Mars enters your empowering first house on October 11, filling you with an abundance of sexual energy and encouraging you to use it! Finding healthy ways to let it out is ideal, but if we know you, you’re probably ready to be naughty. Proceed at your own risk.

On the twenty-eighth, the month ends on a hint of uncertainty with a challenging Mercury-Jupiter opposition that can cause you to question fate. How many choices are actually within your control and how many are predestined? You probably don’t want to examine that question too closely now.


You’re excellent at expertly navigating mild disagreements and full-blown arguments early this month as talkative Mercury floats into easygoing airy sign Libra on October 4. Getting your point across without raising your voice when you feel passionate about something is an enviable skill to have when dealing with various romantic entanglements.

Incredible passions are stirred when powerful Mars partners with intense Scorpio, one of the signs it rules, on the eleventh, but your suspicions are also very high now. You want to get close(r) to someone, but something is holding you back. Which will win out, Sag, your head or your heart?

Your expansive home planet Jupiter is involved in a sensual earth trine with love goddess Venus on October 21, at which point you find yourself extremely lucky in love. The romantic possibilities are endless, which is so exciting!

Jupiter moves on to oppose aggressive Mars on the twenty-eighth, which can make you overconfident, overbearing, and more than a little reckless. Risking everything to go after something you think will make you happy can leave you extremely disappointed and lonely in the end. It’s not worth it.


The odd couple of romantic Venus and reserved Virgo that starts on October 8 actually works for you, Capricorn. While some people find this tight transit too restricting, you like it when there are firm rules in place. Try to avoid being critical of someone who doesn’t seem to know what those rules are, though.

On the ninth, a tense Venus-Saturn opposition shows up and causes delays in any romantic progress you were making. Not meeting goals and missing deadlines is disappointing, especially if you’ve made the effort but someone else hasn’t. You’re only responsible for yourself, but sometimes it doesn’t feel like that’s the case.

On October 21, a tense square off between the sun and transformative Pluto in your first house can cause initial resentment, but it also offers you a chance to close one chapter and open a new one. If you can’t get someone to see your point of view, you might just have to agree to disagree so you can both move on.

Your kindred earth sign Taurus is having a moment when it hosts a full moon and lunar eclipse on the twenty-eighth, and its grounded influence prompts you to apply some much-needed logic to a romantic problem. Endings are natural, so don’t avoid the inevitable.


There’s comfort in romantic routine and stability when Venus partners with practical Virgo on October 8, but that doesn’t mean you have to lose your freedom or spontaneity, Aquarius. We’re just saying that love thrives when you have a good plan during this solid transit!

The airiness of the new moon and solar eclipse in Libra on the fourteenth breathes new life into a current relationship or helps a new one get off the ground. Love is casual, easygoing, and nonjudgmental during this lunation, which is everything to you. Making decisions is more difficult, but you love that you have so many options!

Another impressive lunar experience arrives on October 28, this time a full moon and lunar eclipse in security-seeking Taurus, and absolutely slays it in the intensity department. You’re definitely all in for whatever mama Luna has in store for you.

Venus on the thirty-first is a very welcome one. Things got a little too predictable earlier in the month, so this gives you a nice little shake. Are you still paying attention? There are some things in your love life that need to be resuscitated ASAP.


If you can get through the emotional intensity of the opposition between thought-provoking Mercury and your lead planet Neptune on October 2, you can have an amazing breakthrough. As a sign who tends to avoid the tough work sometimes, you’ll be glad to know there’s a reward for confronting your feelings now.

When appreciative Venus opposes strict Saturn in your dreamy sign on the ninth, the results are mixed. You want to look on the bright side, but you see too many red flags with a current romantic situation. You might have to go against your gut on this one, Pisces, which is painful but necessary sometimes.

The powerful connection between take-charge Mars and deeply sensual Scorpio and your expansion zone starts on October 11, encouraging you to act on your physical urges. Make the first move. Tell someone exactly what you want to do to them. Harnessing this transit’s raw sexual energy is empowering!

Romance is alive and well during the harmonious Venus-Jupiter trine on the twenty-first, which is more in your comfort zone. You love showing your bae or crush how much you care via little love texts with cute emojis. This aspect is proof that love doesn’t have to be aggressive to be effective.

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