Your Monthly Love Horoscope for November 2022

Your Monthly Love Horoscope for November 2022. Discover your Monthly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Your assertive home planet Mars is spinning backward all month while paired with extraordinary critical thinker Gemini. While you’re anxious to get going on a romantic goal, it will be beneficial to spend more time in the planning phase for now.

The dramatic effect of a full moon and lunar eclipse in your zone of self-worth and material possessions hits hard on November 8, so it becomes dangerously tempting to spend a ton of money on something you really want that will improve your love life. Do you need it, Aries? Probably not, but with your expenditures linked so closely to your emotions, you aren’t in the mood to deprive yourself of anything.

Lovely Venus meets up with adventurous fire sign Sagittarius on the fifteenth, and for the next few weeks you could get into some real trouble if you wanted to. You’re anxious to get out and explore the world and meet exciting people, and you’re open to having some pretty wild experiences. The word “no” isn’t really in your vocabulary, except when it comes to turning down fun.

On November 28, a Mars-Saturn trine reminds you that putting solid effort into romantic opportunities yields excellent results, but can you tear yourself away from the good times long enough to focus on something more worthwhile? Yes, if it means there are some solid rewards in the future.


Your loving leader Venus is paired with seductive Scorpio and your house of harmonious partnerships to start the month, highlighting your main relationships. On November 5, a Venus-Uranus opposition can upset the balance of a close partnership, however, so you might have to consider making changes or compromises that will appease both parties.

On the eighth, you experience a full moon and lunar eclipse in your first house of self-empowerment, which offers you an incredible opportunity for personal transformation. The timing might not be right for you to receive what this lunation has to offer, but you’ll know whether you’re open to its gifts after you do some serious self-reflection. Your love life is the main beneficiary.

On November 15, Venus enters outgoing Sagittarius and your sexual awakening zone (as does the sun a week later), which could lead you to some pretty outrageous adventures. However, pleasure is about much more than just having fun now. The Universe is challenging you to receive mental guidance as well.

Mark the twenty-third on your calendar, Taurus, because you have some very skillful psychic abilities that seem almost magical when lucky Jupiter goes direct in intuitive Pisces. Whatever you need more of in your life (love, money, etc.) you can attract it in the coming months by using various manifesting techniques.


Your attention is drawn to delicate details as your ruler Mercury travels through thorough Scorpio and your sixth house early this month. Pay close attention to the signals your body is sending you now. Keeping up with your health during this transit is imperative, especially if you have others who depend on you.

Scorpio’s powerful ruler Mars is retrograde and making its way through your first house early in November, encouraging you to find a healthier way to deal with aggression and/or anger issues. This can tie in with body issues as well, and finding a sport or exercise to deal with stress would be extremely helpful for your physical and mental state (and is way better than taking it out on a current or potential partner).

On November 12, you experience a helpful Mercury-Neptune trine that elevates your subconscious and intuition to epic levels. If you have a feeling about a current or potential partner’s behavior, speak up. “If you see something, say something” should definitely be your motto throughout this aspect.

The sun leaves willful Scorpio for expansive Sagittarius in your house of partnerships on the twenty-second, encouraging you to strengthen the bonds of a friendship or romantic relationship. Deep, significant changes are on the horizon. Don’t be afraid to get really intimate and honest, Gemini, both with yourself and the people you care about.


Prepare to absorb all of the amazing energy given by the full moon and lunar eclipse in earthy Taurus and your eleventh house of friendship and associations on November 8. You’ll have an intense longing to “belong” to something bigger than yourself during this exciting lunation, and your lovely leader Luna is fully prepared to guide you on your journey to finding your people or soul mate.

A Venus-Neptune water trine on the tenth brings out some big-time emotions and encourages you to listen closely to your inner voice. It’s easy to get lulled into a false sense of security now, but if you let yourself get taken advantage of, you won’t recover anytime soon from letting yourself be victimized.

On November 15, beautiful Venus leaves quiet Scorpio for outgoing, engaging Sagittarius, which brings you out of your shell and dares you to do something adventurous—while the whole world is watching! There’s nowhere to hide now, Cancer, but that can be kind of exciting. You can’t help but feel giddy when your video (maybe about a crush or bae) goes viral.

Loyal asteroid Vesta enters spiritual Pisces on the twentieth, connecting you to something powerful within yourself. Digging deep into your subconscious reveals feeling and emotions that you haven’t tapped in years. Inner strength comes from confronting difficult moments rather than turning away from them.


With your leader sun in intensely protective Scorpio and your home and family zone to start the month, you’ll be extremely focused on keeping your loved ones safe from anyone and anything you perceive as a threat. You’re totally willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen, including canceling a trip or other personal plans you’ve been looking forward to.

On November 9, a sun-Uranus opposition intrudes on your love life and introduces you to some news that is shocking at best. To say you were unprepared for this is a huge understatement, but how you react can make all the difference in what happens during the aftermath. Is this dramatic? Absolutely. But you don’t have to let on that it’s getting to you, Leo.

An upbeat sun-Pluto sextile on the eighteenth makes you want to be part of the popular crowd, and you’ll do almost anything to make that happen. But that’s not necessarily a good thing, because without boundaries you could end up in a very bad place. Limiting the things you’ll do to get likes or follower on social media shows you have self-respect (or respect for a current partner), which is more important than racking up numbers that, tbh, don’t really mean anything.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


Your quick-moving ruler Mercury is done with its awkward retrograde cycles for the year, but it does have a stressful square to structured Saturn that you’ll have to deal with on November 9. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to trust people or take them at their word since everyone has their own best interests at heart. It’s hard not to become jaded during this difficult aspect.

On the seventeenth, smart Mercury partners with spontaneous Sagittarius and your fourth house of masculine energy, making this a good time to send an impromptu text to an ex, brother, father, father figure or friend with male energy. The conversations you have with these types of people in your life are important but can’t be planned.

November 29 is a busy cosmic day as Mercury opposes strong-willed Mars and sextiles serious Saturn. On the one hand, you’ll be fighting for your time in the spotlight, but on the other, you’ll be worrying more about yourself than a crush or partner. This just proves that the Universe is always helping us seek balance, so don’t panic. If you don’t like what’s happening one minute, everything could just magically fall into place the next.


Your money-motivated leader Venus is partnered with secretive Scorpio and tied to your money and wealth sector to start the month, so you’re very private about your personal funds. And why shouldn’t you be? Unless you have joint accounts, your finances are no one’s business but your own. Anyway, it’s a good idea not to tell anyone about a hot new investment you heard about!

On November 5, a Venus-Uranus opposition can be tense at best, especially if you’re in the mood to make changes at home and are met with a lot of resistance. A Venus-Saturn square the next day intensifies feelings of rejection, and sorry, but yeah, you’re going to take that sh*t personally no matter what anyone else says.

Venus moves into enthusiastic Sagittarius on the fifteenth, increasing your charm and ability to communicate successfully. Your directness is sexy and effective, Libra. Looking someone straight in the eye and telling them exactly what you want leaves them weak in the knees and willing to accommodate your every desire.

On November 20, there’s a bright sun-Jupiter water trine that sends good vibes out to the Universe and puts you in the mood to help someone. In fact, if it’s within your power, you’re willing to step up and do what it takes to improve as many lives as possible, no matter what it costs you (including time with a partner, if applicable). Luckily, the Universe has some amazing surprises in store for the recipients of your kindness.


There are three heavy hitters (sun, Mercury, Venus) all in your magnetic sign to start the month, so it’s no surprise that you’re giving off major seductive vibes. Whether you’re already matched up or free as a bird, you have people begging for your contact info wherever you go. It’s a little bit flattering, but mostly it’s just embarrassing!

The full moon and lunar eclipse in slow-paced Taurus and your house of relationships on November 8 emit “let’s just take this slow” lunar energy. Your patience pays off, especially if someone is trying to rush you into something you don’t want to do.

A sun-Mercury conjunction in your curious sign arrives on the same day, bombarding you with a lot of information at once. You love to be in the know, but try not to jump to conclusions. You can’t always trust your sources. Be sure before you say anything with any authority, Scorpio.

The sexual tension is undeniable between you and someone forbidden (not your partner if you’re taken, or perhaps your BFF’s bae if you’re single) during the Mars-Neptune square on the nineteenth, and it will reach the point where it can’t be ignored. The last thing you want is a confrontation, but you won’t have a choice if you’re backed into a corner during this tense aspect.


Your exciting leader Jupiter is going through a retrograde phase paired with creative Pisces and your fourth house as the month starts, giving you a lot of imaginative ways to patch things up with a partner or ex. You’d love to move on to something more exciting, but you need to get some kind of closure to make a clean break.

On November 8, a sun-Mercury conjunction in your psychic zone helps you cut through all the BS and finally get to the truth. It might not be exactly what you want to hear, but you can live with that. It’s the blatant lies that keep you up at night during this investigative, soul-baring planetary meetup.

Early on the fifteenth, a Venus-Jupiter trine puts you in a hopeful mood. Later, Venus leaves Scorpio for your sassy sign and then all bets are off! You ooze charm and sex appeal now and have little trouble getting exactly what you want.

And then the sun joins the party in your sign on November 22, welcoming in a month of self-confidence and self-discovery. It isn’t all about you, but you’re definitely the main character in your love story, and everyone else is your supporting cast. There’s no need to wait for applause to take your bow, Sagittarius. You’re clearly the star you were always meant to be.


You might be struggling with your self-identity as moody Pluto resides in your first house of personal empowerment early in the month, making it difficult to love someone else when you’re not sure how you feel about yourself. And your normally serious ruler Saturn is picking up odd Aquarius vibes at the same time, causing a general sense of uncertainty. Prioritize yourself over your love life (for now).

On November 9, a Mercury-Saturn square brings setbacks to a work project, potentially subtracting hours from your downtime. If you had some fun first dates planned or were looking forward to quality time with a partner, you might have to reschedule. Which is disappointing but necessary to get your career back on track.

The thirteenth brings a sexy Venus-Pluto sextile, which stimulates conversations about taboo topics and brings out your darker sexual side. Feel free to explore fantasies and kinks—with a willing partner, of course!

Love requires hard work and honesty during the Mars-Saturn trine on November 28, but if you’re willing to put in the effort, it really pays off. It’s hard to predict future rewards, but the Universe is typically very generous with lovers who are good to each other and respect the “rules” of romance.


Your funky home planet Uranus is going through a retrograde cycle and starts the month paired with solid Taurus and your house of lifestyle, so long-term changes of some kind are coming. You appreciate novel approaches to forming new relationships, rekindling old ones or maintaining current ones.

Disciplined Saturn is also retrograde while paired with your slightly belligerent sign, so following the rules is optional. You smile at “happy” people around you who are in relationships, but deep down you kind of wonder what the point is of tying yourself down to just one person! If you’re currently in a relationship, you’ll still have your moments of doubt, but keeping them to yourself is best for now.

On November 11, a sun-Saturn square causes chaos in your love life, and the harder you try to create peace and calm, the more things spiral out of control. That might be the answer, actually. Stop trying to control everything and see what happens. Some things just are what they are.

Your love life turns adventurous when romantic Venus enters mind-expanding Sagittarius on the fifteenth and then gets an additional boost from the sun-Sagittarius union a week later. Needless to say, your social sector will be a hot zone for the next several weeks! Meeting new people to hang out with leads to romance. Or not. It’s totally your decision, Aquarius.


Your dreamy home planet Neptune is one of several planetary bodies spinning retrograde this month. It’s paired with your sensitive sign and your first house of power, causing you to do a deep dive into whether or not you’re being real with yourself or you’re just putting up a good front. You often shy away from the truth, Pisces, but this is one time you could really benefit from calling yourself out on your BS and trying to come up with ways to be your authentic self.

On November 12, a gentle Mercury-Neptune trine spoon-feeds you information from the Universe in a slow but sure fashion. The things you need to know will come to you via your subconscious, so be ready to interpret dream symbols and other intuitive messages as they arrive.

Asteroid Vesta also links up with your sign on the twentieth, and you become totally dedicated to what you’re passionate about. If you’re in a relationship, you’re ready to give it your all. If you’re single and looking, you’re about to hit the dating scene hard. And when you step into your full personal power during this transit, you’re unstoppable!

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