Your Monthly Love Horoscope for July 2023

Your Monthly Love Horoscope for July 2023. Discover your Monthly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Aries Your power planet Mars is soaking up magical Leo vibes in your house of play early this month, Aries, so you have a strong sex drive and the confidence to satisfy anyone. If given the chance to prove what an amazing lover you are, you come through with intense, dramatic results!

A full moon in ambitious Capricorn on July 3 gives you the idea to mix business with pleasure, but be sure to get closure on one entanglement before starting another. The last thing you need now is a reputation for being overtly or inappropriately sexual at work. It’s very risky trying to successfully combine your job and your love life during this strict lunation.

The lunar North Node enters your independent sign on the seventeenth, reminding you that you don’t need anyone to “complete” you. That doesn’t mean you don’t want a partner or can’t work well as part of a romantic team, but you certainly don’t need to rely on anyone else to be happy. You stand just fine on your own.

Wounded warrior Chiron goes retrograde while in your strong sign on July 23, reminding you that it’s okay to walk away from battles you can’t win. If you’ve given a relationship your best shot, there’s no shame in walking away.


Your cosmic leader Venus is in exciting Leo as the month begins, and she immediately squares Uranus (in your stubborn sign) on July 2. This can be a shaky time in a current relationship or one that’s just getting started, so expect the unexpected. Fireworks are pretty to look at, but they can also start a fire that gets out of control extremely quickly.

Chatty Mercury leaves shy Cancer for outspoken Leo on the tenth, which can help you boldly express your thoughts and feelings. It’s tempting to brag about your impressive romantic moments, Taurus, but think twice about posting details on social media. Do you really want to put your private moments out there for public consumption?

On July 22, Venus turns retrograde while still paired with dramatic Leo, suggesting that you reconsider making major romantic moves. Big, grand gestures can go over really well or land with a giant thud. Maybe hold off until you’re more convinced that you’ll get a positive response.

Luckily, a Mercury-Venus meetup in charming Leo on the twenty-seventh gives off more confident vibes. You’re hard to resist now, so make your move. Getting this W is so much sweeter after the struggle you had earlier in the month.


Your second house of security and self-worth is getting attention from quick-moving Mercury as July begins, and there’s a reaffirming Mercury-Jupiter sextile on the first that helps you have an optimistic outlook on everything. Even if you aren’t in the position you want to be in right now regarding love, money, etc., you feel like you will be soon. Lucky you!

On July 10, an intensely emotional Mercury-Pluto opposition brings some interesting conversations between you and a current or future partner about things that you might not want to talk about. The more they insist, the more uncomfortable it makes you. If things get weird, Gemini, be prepared to walk away, at least in the moment.

A Cancer new moon on the seventeenth hints at new beginnings, especially surrounding fertility and other ways to grow your family. If you’re pregnant or thinking of getting pregnant, adopting, using a surrogate, etc., this is excellent lunar energy to get things started.

You’re super confident during the Mercury-Venus conjunction in persistent Leo on July 27, making this a great day to chat up your crush, flirt with strangers, or approach a current partner with an important request. If you get any negative responses, you’ll be crushed. You hadn’t even considered that anyone would say no to you during this self-assured meetup!


The purposeful sun and thoughtful Mercury are both in your first house of identity to start the month, so you approach love with a healthy curiosity and admirable truthfulness. Putting your best self out there brings the same back to you. Love equals love.

Our cosmic mother moon is full in committed Capricorn on July 3, urging you to take responsibility for your own actions. There’s always at least two sides when it comes to love, but you’re only truly accountable for your own part. If you can sleep well knowing you put your full effort into a relationship, Cancer, good for you.

A new moon in your domestic sign occupies your first house on the seventeenth, putting you in the nesting mood. You love to make your home a comfy, cozy place for loved ones to land during this traditional transit. If you’re still single, your perfect match is an attention-seeking Leo who can’t wait to be pampered!

On July 22, the sun leaves your nurturing sign for fun-loving Leo, bringing in a month of romance, joy, and productivity. You’ll want to get out and have a good time with a current or potential love and worry less about the emotional stuff. Right now, you’re interested in laughing and bringing out each other’s inner child.


Your vital leader sun is soaking up Cancer’s caring vibes when it sextiles fabulous Jupiter on July 1, helping you show the world the very best version of you. Like attracts like during this fateful aspect, so you should be surrounded by people who are worthy of your love and attention at this time.

When communications manager Mercury leaves sensitive Cancer for your first house on the tenth, you love to talk about yourself! You’re a magical storyteller during this fun transit, so others are naturally drawn to your dramatic embellishments. Just remember to let them get a word in every once in a while.

The dazzling sun shines on your likeable sign starting on July 22, finally giving you your long-awaited turn in the spotlight. With your charm and confidence, you have an amazing effect on the people who love (or are attracted to) you. And as a bonus, you’re able to get your way without coming across as manipulative.

On the twenty-seventh, communicative Mercury and pleasure-seeking Venus meet up in your exciting first house, flinging open a variety of doors that all lead to new romantic opportunities. You’re proud of who you are and what you have to offer, and you deserve a date or mate who feels the same. Don’t lower your standards, Leo. Have other people rise up to meet them.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


Your communicative leader Mercury continues its journey through artistic Cancer early this month, forming a trine to romantic Neptune in imaginative Pisces on July 9. This creative cosmic combination inspires you to make some magical moments with a current partner or crush you’ve been obsessing over. Your words are like music to their ears.

On the tenth, wise asteroid Pallas leaves the indulgent Lion’s den for your health-conscious sign, giving you the tools you need to become a well-oiled machine. Once your mind and body are working in precise harmony, you’ll find there’s a lot more room (and time) for love in your life.

Fierce Mars follows Pallas into your self-obsessed first house that same day, giving you an excessive boost of criticism regarding others. How do you expect a current or potential partner to live up to your unreasonably high demands? Expecting perfection from yourself is one thing, Virgo, but expecting it from someone you care about is unfair.

Clever Mercury pairs up with your level-headed sign on July 28, helping you organize your thoughts about love. If you’ve been confused lately, this analytical transit should help you look at things from a much more logical perspective. The logistics of love aren’t always exciting, and that’s okay.


Venus, goddess of love and your celestial leader, is in warm Leo to start the month, giving your social zone a boost of outgoing charm. Meeting new people is easy for the single Libra until the unreliable Venus-Uranus square on July 2 gives off some major flake vibes. Those with partners, watch out for suspicious behavior during this aspect. “Nothing” can turn into “something” quickly.

On the tenth, mental Mercury leaves emotional Cancer for playful Leo, increasing your need for humor, jokes, and pranks. Just remember that if you’re giving it out, you have to be willing to take it. Nobody likes a sore loser!

Lovestruck Venus goes retrograde while in fiery Leo (at the same time the sun partners with the Lion) on July 22, bringing extreme drama to your love life for the next couple weeks. You usually like to remain neutral during romantic battles, but this time it might be impossible for you to not take sides. Making big, bold statements could result in heartache, but you can’t seem to stay quiet.

There’s an ego-boosting Mercury-Venus conjunction in charismatic Leo on the twenty-seventh that makes you feel invincible. If you express your feelings to someone and they don’t reciprocate, Libra, it’s their loss. If you’re in a steady relationship, you really want to be worshipped like the royalty you are. That’s the least you deserve, right?!


Your power player leader Mars is paired up with exciting Leo and your ambitious tenth house as July begins, and you’re ready to get the most out of life. Attached Scorpios will need their partners to step up or get steamrolled by your enthusiasm. Single Scorpios should look for people who aren’t intimidated by you.

Action-packed Mars moves on to critical Virgo on July 10, so you’ll be looking for perfection for the remainder of the month. And you don’t just have high expectations for anyone who wants to be with you; you also have them for yourself. Try to make room for mistakes and errors and remember that love can be messy.

A new moon in kindred water sign Cancer on the seventeenth has you feeling emotional about building or expanding your family. Your main goal is to provide stability and security to loved ones now, especially at home. This is a good time to update your home alarm or security camera system or look into other devices that can keep you all safe.

A shadowy sun-Pluto opposition on July 21 casts doubt on a current or developing relationship that could lead to devastating consequences. Your first instinct when you get hurt is to get revenge or retaliate in some way, which only makes the situation worse. Find a more constructive way to deal with your emotions, Scorpio.


The planets put your love life on a positive trajectory from the beginning of the month, starting with a harmonious sextile between clever Mercury and your lucky lead planet Jupiter on July 1. This is perfect energy for manifesting what you want for your love life for the summer, Sag!

The third brings a full moon in upward climber Capricorn and your money-focused second house, bringing financial issues to the forefront. You want more for yourself and/or your partner or family, so it’s time to make some major changes. Talk with your partner before moving your joint money around. If you’re single, consult with a professional who can help you reach your financial goals. You deserve the best.

You want be in the winner’s circle during the Mercury-Jupiter square on July 17, but how badly do you really want it? Will you do anything when it comes to love? If you don’t set boundaries for yourself during this transit, things could get ugly, especially regarding any type of romantic competition.

Luckily, when the confident sun enters charming Leo on the twenty-second, you become a lot more sure of yourself and what you have to offer, and you won’t have to do questionable things in the name of love. If someone doesn’t want you, it’s their loss. Period. You can hold your head high as you walk away.


A promising full moon in your capable sign on July 3 brings powerful first house lunar energy. You’re very serious and proactive about putting certain romantic issues to rest now so that you can move forward. Anything that’s getting in the way of you reaching your love-related goals has to go during this lunation.

On the tenth, motivated Mars pairs up with detailed Virgo and your expansion zone, prompting your interest in new romantic adventures and diverse perspectives. With travel-ruled Virgo influencing this planet’s journey for the next several weeks, your love life thrives in faraway places. Plan a vacay with bae or download an international dating app.

When your determined leader Saturn is opposed by fierce Mars on July 20, however, your plans could be ruined by something you didn’t see coming. It’s not your fault, Capricorn, because you couldn’t possibly have planned for every potential glitch. Be patient. Your time to get things back on track will come.

More unexpected obstacles arrive when partnership-focused Venus (in bossy Leo) goes retrograde starting on the twenty-second and brings drama that can be beyond frustrating and annoying for a calm sign like you. As much as this transit tries to get you to look back, stay focused on what’s ahead of you. Your happiness is in the future, not the past.


For you, quirky Aquarius, the month begins with an out-there Venus-Uranus square that can send your love life into the stratosphere or cause it to come crashing down to earth hard. Be prepared to live on the edge, not really knowing what will happen until the very last minute.

On July 6, a more favorable Mercury-Uranus sextile helps you solve romantic problems intuitively without the help of any outside sources. The answers are within you now, and if you need to make some changes, your inner strength will carry you through. Believe in yourself and your ability to know what’s right for your own future.

Quick-moving Mercury leaves caring Cancer to enter attention-seeking Leo on the tenth, making you the center of your own romantic universe. Remember the idea to treat others as you’d like to be treated? This is going to be important for you to think about now as your ego becomes too big for your own good.

The confident sun also pairs with the regal Lion starting on July 22, joining Mercury and Venus, which are also soaking up that big Leo energy. You feel like a million bucks, and you deserve to be with someone who treats you that way. With all you have to offer, there’s zero reason to settle.


A bright full moon in upwardly mobile Capricorn and your friends and socialization zone on July 3 is giving your love life a “you help me, I’ll help you” vibe. Mutual matchmaking is a thing now, as is giving and getting love advice to and from your besties. Relationships and dating are a group effort during this ambitious lunation!

On the ninth, a gentle trine between Mercury in imaginative Cancer and Neptune in your creative sign brings the emotions and helps you make some romantic magic. You intuitively know how to create the perfect setting that will make a current or potential partner feel at ease. Once you set the mood, what happens next is up to you to decide together.

There’s a stressful opposition between strong Mars in Virgo and serious Saturn in your sign on July 20 that brings a lot of frustration to romantic situations that don’t work out the way you’d hoped they would. Your natural instinct is to suppress those feelings of disappointment, but if you don’t let them out, resentment could grow to epic proportions.

The sun moves into fun-loving Leo on the twenty-second, at the same time Venus in Leo goes retrograde. With all this energy in your critical sixth house, you might be too self-conscious to let loose and have a good time. Do your best to put that self-doubt to rest, Pisces. You’re amazing, flaws and all.

What do the planets say about your love life? Receive cosmic advice with your Daily Love Horoscope.