Your Monthly Love Horoscope for December 2023

Your Monthly Love Horoscope for December 2023. Discover your Monthly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


A mystical, possibly dark presence invades your love life as Venus meets up with penetrating water sign Scorpio on December 4, casting shadows of doubt and secrecy on your love life. It’s impossible to just let things go, so prepare yourself for a deep dive into romantic mysteries.

On the twelfth, a new moon in fellow fire sign Sagittarius lights the way for new beginnings, adding a special sizzle to romantic connections. If you’ve been with someone for a long time, this can help you renew the spark you felt at the beginning. Long-distance love is exciting now.

Communicative Mercury is in its last retrograde cycle of the year when it pairs with Sagittarius on December 22, so while it will be accompanied by its usual misunderstandings and mix-ups, there will be logical solutions as well. Don’t blow anything out of proportion before you have all the facts.

On the twenty-sixth, therapeutic asteroid Chiron goes direct while in your determined sign, which can help you start the healing process for current or past heartache. What do you gain by holding on to your pain, Aries? If there’s no payoff, why not stop?


When romantic Venus moves into emotional, intuitive Scorpio on December 4, there’s an intensity in the air that has you feeling some type of way. If you’re having a hard time thinking about anything other than your SO or current crush, blame it on this focused energy that can border on obsessive at times.

On the twenty-first, the sun leaves adventurous Sagittarius to hook up with like-minded earth sign Capricorn, indicating that it’s time to settle down and set some goals for your love life. If you aren’t where you’d like to be, Taurus, what will it take to get there? Having a clear plan in place helps.

Loving Venus leaves introverted Scorpio for world traveler Sagittarius on December 29, which helps you open up your heart and mind. If there are some romantic scenarios that you’ve never considered, this is the time to give them a chance. Maybe they’d be fun. You never know!

On the thirtieth, Jupiter goes direct in your prosperous sign just as a new year is set to begin. This is a good time to look around at all the blessings and abundance in your love life and be thankful for all the Universe has gifted you. If you don’t have all the love you want, you will soon.


Your smart leader Mercury sextiles ambitious Saturn at the beginning of the month, which helps you make plans for the future and think about long-term love goals. It’s easy to get distracted, Gemini, but if you’re able to focus on just one thing, you can make so much progress!

On December 12, Mercury goes retrograde in reliable Capricorn, which helps you avoid some of the communication mistakes you’ve made over the past several months. Is there anything you wish you could take back or do over? You might get your chance to do just that in the coming weeks.

Self-discipline isn’t easy to come by when retrograde Vesta enters your restless sign on the twentieth, so cheating and promiscuity could both be issues. Giving in to temptation is a little harder when you think about what you might lose instead of what you might gain.

On December 27, a Mercury-Mars conjunction in sassy Sagittarius promotes excitement and adventure and helps you keep an open mind about having new experiences. No matter how high your body count is, there’s always more you can learn!


You’re comfortable surrounded by the familiar murky waters of Venus in Scorpio that start on December 4. The days are getting darker and so are your thoughts. Adding a hint of mystery is exciting, but crossing over into sinister or menacing behavior isn’t.

On the twelfth, your lovely leader moon is new in bold Sagittarius, encouraging you to come out of your shell and have some fun before the year is over. Do you have time to take a spontaneous trip with your SO, or match with someone on your favorite dating app? Don’t say no to romantic adventure, Cancer!

The sun partners with serious Capricorn on December 21, however, reminding you that it can’t be all play and no work forever. If you’ve been ignoring love-related responsibilities, get busy. Anyone who says that true love doesn’t take work has never truly experienced it.

The last week of the month brings a full moon in your nurturing, compassionate sign, which is a signal to be as understanding as possible to the people closest to you. Even if you don’t have a partner at the moment, this lunation calls on you to be generous, kind, and nostalgic. Sometimes great memories are enough to keep you from being lonely.


Your love life is exciting and expansive as the sun, your cosmic guide, spends time with universal seeker Sagittarius early in the month. With this fast, spontaneous energy in your dating and romance zone, there’s never a dull moment!

On December 12, Mercury goes retrograde while traveling with stable Capricorn, which might not be as bad as most people make it out to be. Will there be some awkward or embarrassing moments regarding love-related communication or travel? Probably. But using common sense prevents them from becoming disastrous.

The bright sun leaves sizzling Sagittarius for the earthiness of Capricorn on the twenty-first, bringing more practicality to your love life and making you more ambitious than you’ve been in a while. This is the ideal time to set some goals that you want to reach in the coming month.

On December 24, a determined sun-Saturn sextile points you in the right direction and gives you the tools to overcome the obstacles that have been in the way of your happiness lately. When did you stop believing in yourself and your ability to have a successful love life, Leo? Rebuilding your confidence is the first step.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


With your communicative ruler Mercury in a sextile with boundary-setting Saturn on December 2, you’re very careful not to cross the line with anyone. Even when you’re flirting with your crush or sexting bae, you still keep it very PG. How sweet, Virgo!

The last dreaded Mercury retrograde cycle of the year starts on the twelfth while the planet is paired with sensible Capricorn, which gives you reason to think back over some of your recent mental mistakes and learn some valuable lessons. It isn’t too late for a do-over. Just be sure your apology is sincere and to the point.

On December 18, there’s an upbeat Mercury-Jupiter trine that gives you a chance to play catch-up on a lot of love stuff you’ve been putting off. Did you forget your partner’s b-day? Did you forget to respond to a DM even though you’re interested? Make up for that now in a creative way.

You have to wait until the twenty-ninth for love goddess Venus to partner with exciting Sagittarius, but it’s worth the anticipation! You don’t always love surprises, but this transit brings some amazing spontaneous thrills. Try not to make any guesses about what might happen. Being gobsmacked by a romantic gesture is the best!


You’ll be feeling ready for just about anything when your lovely leader Venus trines hardworking Saturn on December 5. Love doesn’t always work out the way you plan, but being willing to put in the effort to make it as good as possible is what this aspect is all about.

On the sixth, you get to go back to a state of blissful ignorance—if that’s what you choose—when hazy Neptune goes direct in dreamy Pisces and puts a thin veil over the truth. Looking the other way can only last so long—you know that deep down—but you also might just need a little break from love’s lessons. Be kind to yourself if no one else is.

A Venus-Neptune trine on December 25 helps your dreams come true, but things don’t always work out the way you think they will. The fewer expectations you have now the better, Libra. Trust the Universe to beautify your love life with something lovely.

When the Cancer full moon arrives on the twenty-sixth, it’s another signal to trust your instincts. Your moods dictate how much in love you are from one minute to the next during this watery lunation, but it isn’t hard to stay afloat. You know that love won’t let you drown.


You’re feeling powerful as stunning Venus partners with your intriguing sign and lights up your first house starting on December 4. There’s just something so indescribable and interesting about you now, Scorpio. If you don’t have a lover (and you want one), you will soon.

On the sixth, dreamy Neptune goes direct while partnered with sensitive water sign Pisces, alerting you to some of the events that have been taking place in your love life that you’ve been blissfully unaware of. Until now. Rely on your intuition to interpret some of the details you don’t quite understand.

Loyal, reliable Capricorn starts influencing the sun with its earthiness on December 21, directing all of its energy to your second house of finances. How does money affect your love life, and vice versa? This transit gives you a good opportunity to get how the two are connected and, if you’re partnered up, help you sort through mutual money issues.

The twenty-eighth brings a sextile between lovestruck Venus and your karmic co-leader Pluto, which can reveal some powerful love revelations. If you’re in a relationship, dig deeper to uncover each other’s true emotions and fears. If you’re single, what’s holding you back from finding love? This aspect is about not stopping until you find the answers.


Early in the month, Venus in sexy Scorpio opposes your fateful home planet Jupiter on December 9, which is a little warning not to go overboard. Doing anything to excess—including everything to do with love, romance, and sex—could end in regret.

Chatty Mercury is retrograde in stable Capricorn for most of the month, but when it backs up into your unpredictable sign and first house on the twenty-second, it’s harder to guess how you or others will respond or reply to romantic communications. This is the exact time to follow that old truism “if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all.”

Affectionate Venus follows Mercury into your extravagant sign on December 29, so you might be a little more demanding than usual. Is it wrong to want the best of everything?! After all, you deserve it, right? You’re also very optimistic about your romantic prospects now, Sag, as you should be.

On the thirtieth, prosperous Jupiter goes direct in wealth-driven Taurus, giving you lots of ideas about how to make more money. Combining resources with a current or potential partner can be a great idea and lead to future wealth, but be sure to explore all the fine print before making that leap. Single Archers are more about flirting with your hot financial adviser while getting hot stock tips!


Your sign plays host to a few significant planetary movements this month, Capricorn, starting when Mercury goes retrograde while partnered with your reasonable, practical sign on December 12. You don’t mess around with communication now. No flirty DMs or subtle sexting for you. You get straight to the point!

On the twentieth, devoted asteroid Vesta is retrograde when it backs into air sign Gemini, causing you to get distracted pretty easily. It will take extra effort to stay focused on the person you’re talking to, partnered with, or married to, but you can do it!

The confident sun joins the party in your powerful first house on December 21, giving you a high energy level and strong personality. You can be pretty intimidating now as well, especially to shy water sign Pisces or laid-back Libras, so if you’re partnered with or crushing on one of those signs, you might want to tone it down a bit.

The last full moon of the year rises in generous, kind Cancer on the twenty-sixth, helping you end the year with a compassionate vibe. This is a time to forgive the past and move on toward something better. Stop hiding your feelings and tell someone how you really feel.


Aquarius Prepare for a heavy downpour of emotions as Venus partners with all-consuming water sign Scorpio on December 4 and intensifies everything. If you have a crush, it might grow into love. If you’re already in love, it’s time to take things to the next level. Trust is everything.

On the twelfth, the great communicator Mercury goes retrograde while in steady, serious Capricorn, which kind of throws off your social butterfly vibe. You’re still a big flirt, but you second-guess yourself and other people’s reactions to your witty remarks more than usual. The right person won’t make you feel self-conscious.

A Venus-Uranus opposition on December 20 can create tension and stress in an existing or developing relationship, especially if you’re unsure of the other person’s motives. Romantic scenarios change quickly now, so it’s hard to get a good read on what’s actually happening. Adapting is the only way to cope sometimes, Aquarius.

When healer Chiron stations direct in Aries on the twenty-sixth, you get a chance to put heartache (current or past) behind you. The memories of certain relationships will always linger, but you have the power now to move past the pain. It isn’t a fast process, but you have to start somewhere. 


On December 6, your ethereal home planet Neptune leaves its retrograde cycle and goes direct while in your hazy, sensitive sign, reminding you to be more compassionate and understanding. You can’t change the past, Pisces, but you can commit to doing better in the future.

You might find it difficult to tell truth from fiction during the sun-Neptune square on the sixteenth, which can make you suspicious for no good reason. Before you accuse anyone of anything, do your best to gather the facts. Reading gossip about bae or a crush on social media isn’t exactly reliable.

On the twenty-fifth, there’s a watery Venus-Neptune trine that can have you deep in your feels, and it can also lead to some seriously lustful intimate moments. You’re much more likely to be attracted to someone you have feelings for, but sometimes it’s nice to just get carried away and have some random fun.

The Cancer full moon comes out on December 26, filling your zone of dating, romance, and entertainment with laughs and excitement. Don’t be afraid to let down your guard, lose your inhibitions, and follow your whims. The less shy you are, the better times you can have.

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