Your Monthly Love Horoscope for April 2023

Your Monthly Love Horoscope for April 2023. Discover your Monthly Love Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Discussions veer away from your own needs and desires and toward money matters when fast-moving Mercury moves from your selfish first house to security-driven Taurus and your money and possessions zone on April 3. If you’re in a relationship, expect some debate around the phrase “what’s mine is yours.”

On the eighth, an uplifting, positive Mercury-Mars sextile is the perfect blend of sex and affection and has the ability to boost your love life to new heights. You’re confident enough to speak honestly about what you want and generous enough to want to find out what will make someone else feel just as good too. It’s a win/win.

Curious Gemini begins influencing romantic Venus on April 10, and because your third house of language, logic, and reason is hit hardest with this airy energy, new thoughts and ideas about love will begin to take shape. There’s a fluidity to your love life now that has you second-guessing your basic thoughts and beliefs. In a good way.

You get a chance for a do-over under the new moon and solar eclipse in your spontaneous sign on the nineteenth, so don’t mess this one up. Hurry and send that text or DM before you lose your nerve, Aries. Lightning might strike in the same spot twice, but three times? That’s a stretch.


Logical Mercury, the planet representing technology and travel, pairs up with your patient sign and first house on April 3, helping you apply common sense to romantic problems. If your favorite dating apps are glitching or flight to see your long-distance love is canceled, look for logical ways to deal with these types of annoying c*ckblockers.

Lovely Luna is full in balanced Libra on the fifth, reminding you that everything has a way of working out eventually. Whenever you get impatient that things aren’t happening fast enough, let this fair-minded lunation point out that all good things come to those who wait.

There’s some strained energy surrounding the Venus-Saturn square on April 14 that slows down or stops the romantic progress you’ve been making lately. Instead of trying to push through the unpleasantness, why not take a break until you feel up to the challenge? Trying to motivate yourself to do something when you’re just not into it is nearly impossible.

Fortunately, the sun enters your composed first house on the twentieth, giving you a lot to look forward to in the coming month. This is when your perseverance will pay off for you, Taurus. If you’ve still got some fight in you, lower your horns and get ready to defend what and who is most important to you.


Your home planet Mercury is on the move on April 3, leaving fiery Aries for the calm earthiness of Taurus and your house of the unconscious. Even your dreams are logical now, so don’t be surprised if you wake up after a good night’s sleep with a solution to a romantic problem that has been bothering you for quite some time.

On the fifth, a focused Mercury-Saturn sextile improves your critical thinking and helps you come to terms with something that you’ve been in denial about up until now. When you put all the facts together it’s hard to ignore the reality of the situation any longer, isn’t it, Gemini?

Affectionate Venus leaves touchy-feely Taurus for your airy sign on April 10, at which point you become less physically curious and more intellectually interested in a current or potential lover. This might throw them off, but to you, being turned on intellectually is better than physical foreplay. At least for now.

Acting on impulse is a given during the new moon and solar eclipse in hot-tempered Aries on the nineteenth, but so is almost instantaneous regret. You might not be able to stop yourself from doing something stupid during this lunation, but you can at least have an apology ready. You’ll need it!


You’ll be looking for balance between various aspects of your life (perhaps your work and social lives) and your home life during the full moon in impartial Libra on April 5. This illuminating lunation asks if you really can have it all.

Your lovely leader Luna marks another important point in her monthly cycle when she reaches a new phase in fiery Aries on the nineteenth that also coincides with a solar eclipse. There’s a lot of emotional baggage to unpack now, but you might not have the patience to deal with it. Taking a leap of faith before you’re ready could end in disaster.

On April 20, the brilliant sun leaves sizzling Aries for down-to-earth Taurus and your house of future hopes and wishes, so you can be somewhat more realistic about what’s to come. You demand security and structure in your relationships now, so if your current partner isn’t cutting it, you have some decisions to make. Single Crabs, be on the lookout for a Virgo or Capricorn with a solid job and a sarcastic sense of humor.

Exciting changes happen very quickly during the Mars-Uranus sextile on the twenty-ninth. Whether you’re ready or not, things are about to be turned upside down. If that sounds like fun, Cancer, lucky you!


There’s a bright full moon in gracious Libra on April 5 that targets your communication zone. You’ll walk a fine line now between wanting to be honest and not wanting to hurt anyone’s feelings. Unfortunately, Leo, there will be a lot of times when you can’t have it both ways. And your words will sting.

On the tenth, love-seeker Venus leaves the comfort of Taurus, a sign she rules, for restless Gemini. You want to keep your options open now, but if you aren’t single, this can cause issues in your relationship. Duh.

The sun, your planetary hero, leaves the excitement of Aries to partner with calm earth sign Taurus on April 20, lighting up your tenth house of career and recognition and helping you become a star at work. All this attention on your job makes your love life a distant second on your list of priorities, but how often does an opportunity like this come along?

The twentieth also brings a sun-Pluto square that ramps up your need to be in control. It can also trigger some painful or unhappy memories from past relationships in which you felt like you lost yourself. Forgiving an ex for the way they treated you is hard, but forgiving yourself for letting them treat you that way is even harder.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


Your smart leader Mercury comes knocking on your ninth house of knowledge and higher education when it pairs up with patient Taurus on April 3, which means you’re about to get schooled, Virgo. If you think you know everything there is to know about love and romance, this transit could be quite enlightening.

On the fifth, a fairly intense Mercury-Saturn sextile materializes and throws some pretty heavy issues at you that will require you to use some significant brainpower. Your emotions take a back seat now as logic and practicality dominate your emotions. Your feelings are in there, but they’re not a high priority now.

A mysterious vibe hits your love life during the Venus-Pluto trine on April 11, and you’ll be dying to find the missing piece of a puzzle. Someone knows exactly how to turn you on and tease you now, which drives you crazy in the best possible way.

Jealousy isn’t usually a hot-button issue for you, but when the sun moves into possessive Taurus on the twentieth you might keep replaying certain scenarios over in your mind and getting more and more heated about them. Feeling territorial is new to you, but it’s still very real. But it’s not something you’d choose to experience regularly, that’s for sure.


Your emotions are on high alert during the full moon in house number uno on April 5. Making sure your needs are met is essential to the balance you crave during this lunation. If you don’t have a current or potential partner who will spoil you rotten, Libra, do something luxurious for yourself.

A sensual, caring Venus-Neptune sextile shows up on the seventh, increasing your sex appeal and making other people notice you in a whole new way. If bae has been taking you for granted, this should remind them of your utter hotness. If you’re single, a connection with a seductive, creative Pisces (perhaps a chef?) has you daydreaming about some very naughty scenarios.

On April 10, your lovely leader Venus leaves the security of Taurus for the exciting uncertainty of air sign Gemini and your adventure zone, so you’ll be up for new experiences that can expand your mind. Try tantric sex. Travel to a new continent. Eat messy food on a first date. Life’s too short to be inhibited.

The power of a new moon and solar eclipse in Aries and your seventh house of partnerships on the nineteenth increases your desire to improve an existing relationship or start an exciting new one. All love partnerships should include emotional, spiritual, and mental growth, so if you’re not currently experiencing that, it’s time to make a change.


You’re obsessed with finding out the truth during the Mercury-Pluto square on April 3, so much so that you might not believe it when you hear it. This shadowy aspect puts enough doubts in your head that you aren’t sure who’s being real with you and who isn’t. Making accusations is dangerous now.

On the eighth, the Universe gifts you a Mercury-Mars sextile that should help you pick up the pieces and put them together again. As one of the best aspects for love and romance, this planetary partnership increases affection, attraction, sex drive, and all other kinds of good stuff.

An intimate Venus-Pluto trine on April 11 does a lot of the same things but with increased intensity. There is a karmic element to everything you do now, as if you’ve experienced it before or it was meant to be. It’s hard to deny that the person you dream about, the love of your life at this very moment, is your soul mate.

You’re willing to let down your guard for the right person during the Mars-Uranus sextile on the twenty-ninth, which is pretty major for you, Scorpio. Must be love. Or intense lust, which for you is usually the same thing.


The entrance of brainy Mercury into steady Taurus and your detailed sixth house on April 3 means you’ll have some time to slow down and really think about the current state of your love life. No more guessing or estimating, Sagittarius. It’s important to be as precise as possible during this transit. You can figure out a lot of stuff by cutting through the red tape and zeroing in on what’s truly important.

A lucky, inspirational sun-Jupiter conjunction on the eleventh gives you hope that something great is around the corner. If you’re coming out of a breakup or have experienced recent love-related pain or tragedy, this ensures you that you will love again. If not now, someday.

A lot of anticipation also surrounds the new moon and solar eclipse in Aries on April 19, and as these cosmic events elevate the energy in your fifth house of fun and new beginnings, it’s time to get those creative juices flowing. Love is connected to imagination and originality now, so let every step you take on the path to romance be artistic, inventive, and inspired for the rest of the month.


The full moon in balance-seeking Libra on April 5 targets your life path zone and has you wondering if you’ve made the right decisions along the way. What’s more important to you, Capricorn, your job or your love life? Has one interfered with the other? This lunation strives to help you get your priorities straight.

On the same day, there’s a sextile involving quick-thinking Mercury and your serious home planet Saturn that takes your mind off the negatives and helps point you toward a positive outcome. It will take a lot of concentration and focus, but putting your long-term love goals out there for the Universe to see is the first step to attaining them

The fourteenth brings a challenging Venus-Saturn square, and if your motivation to make improvements to your love life (or even just do the bare minimum) is lacking, it could cause some serious damage. Whether you’re single or involved with someone, having a satisfying love life depends on what you put into it.

Your honesty is one of your best traits during the sun-Saturn sextile on April 25, and it’s easy for you to earn the respect of a current or potential lover by showing this side of yourself. You’re something of a love guru now as well, so it’s not surprising when younger people or those with less experience come to you for advice.


You’ll find it a little easier to connect the dots between your past love life and your current one when logical Mercury moves into steady Taurus and your fourth house on April 3. How have your former relationships shaped what kind of partner you are? What have you learned? Apply those lessons for a healthier present and future, Aquarius.

On the seventh, an indulgent, artistic Venus-Neptune sextile encourages you to share more of yourself, your talents, and your dreams with the person you are dating, attached to, or hoping to spend more time with. Art-related outings are favored now. Visiting a gallery, museum, or art auction brings out your inner child and sparks interesting conversations.

Loving Venus lands in your charming, attention-seeking fifth house on April 10, so you’ll be seeking partners who allow you to shine. You definitely need someone now who takes pics of you from all the right angles and wouldn’t dream of posting anything unflattering about you on social media for the world to see.

There’s a sextile between passionate Mars and your unpredictable home planet Uranus on the twenty-ninth, so you’ll be looking for something (or someone) different at the end of the month. Being spontaneous is important to you, so a relationship or date with stubborn Taurus or introverted Scorpio is a tough sell during this excitement-seeking aspect.


The full moon in relationship-seeking Libra on April 5 sets the tone early. This gentle lunation vibes with your core values and sends you in search of a kindred soul, a peace-loving creative type. If you’re currently in a relationship, not arguing is your number one priority now.

The seventh brings an imaginative Venus-Neptune sextile, activating a natural artistic aesthetic and attracting you to beautiful things. Perfect dates now are spent shopping at high-end designer boutiques, lingering for hours in art galleries, or watching vividly colorful musicals on the stage or screen.

Nostalgia sets in when love goddess Venus lands in your home and family zone on April 10. Remembering your grandparent’s relationship or some love advice from a favorite aunt puts you in a wistful mood. Times are different now, Pisces, making it harder to have relationships like people did in the past. But you can still dream.

Single Fish, be aware that anything new started during the new moon and solar eclipse in impulsive Aries on the nineteenth will most likely be short lived. A fling will be fun, exciting, and daring, but it will probably last two weeks, tops. Committed Fish, don’t make any promises now. You could get caught up in the moment and say yes but then quickly change your mind once you’ve had some time to think about it.

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