Your Monthly Horoscopes: September 2022

Writing astrological forecasts is never easy, but it’s become a special kind of difficult in these wobbly, dramatic times in which we currently live. No one likes to deliver the news that it will be yet another difficult month, or that the only thing certain is uncertainty. Which is why I’m thrilled to inform you that compared to both July and August, September’s horoscope is a breath of fresh air. This month is a chance to touch down and integrate after some particularly trying times.

As the month begins, it’s Virgo season and we’re feeling what Beyoncé now calls “Virgo’s Groove.” We’re inspired, brimming with ideas and ready to implement solutions. Venus enters practical Virgo on the 5th where the love planet shows her affection through making specific plans and tidying up around the house.

Then the biggest story of the month starts unfolding on the 9th when Mercury stations retrograde in Libra. (Yes, it’s that time of year once again.) Now I know what you’re thinking: Won’t this derail all my best laid plans to get my sh*t together? And the answer is yes and no. Sure, Mercury retrograde periods always bring delays, technical snafus and miscommunications, but they also bring reunions, reconciliations and opportunity to review. Sometimes pushing ever forward isn’t the answer, and we must go back instead. Also to bring a bit of relief, there’s a full moon in Pisces on the 10th that allows us to tap into our intuitive side as we retrace our steps.

The sun enters Libra on the 22nd, followed shortly thereafter by a new moon in Libra on the 25th which encourages us to balance the scales as we welcome the shorter days of fall. Happy birthday to all of our tastemaker Libra icons from Kate Winslet to Hilary Duff to Usher. Finally on the 29th, Venus joins the party in her home sign of Libra. As we plan our lives, it’s important to make room for the things that bring us joy.

(Horoscopes follow for each sign. If you know your rising sign, reading for that sign may provide further insight.)

3 Signs That Can Read You Like a Book

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

Aries September 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (9/10): Release anything you can’t control

  • New Moon (9/25): Set intentions for partnerships and collaborations

  • Other Key Dates: 9/1, 9/9, 9/16, 9/28, 9/29

For the first time in a long time, you’re feeling busy in a good way. As September begins, your schedule is booked with coffee dates, short trips out of town and work meetings that actually feel fulfilling. You’re inspired and delighted by all this activity, but by the full moon in Pisces on the 10th, you need to take a break for some rest and relaxation. Throughout all the busyness, you have no problem prioritizing your own needs, but on the 16th—as Venus squares off with your ruling planet Mars—a squabble with your partner, kid or work wife pushes you to put someone else first. This mindset shift comes at the perfect time because the new moon in Libra on the 25th is in your partnership sector, signaling a new era for your most intimate relationships.

Aries Love Horoscope

You want your relationship to be more serious, but how are you going to get there if you never talk about it? Mercury stations retrograde in your partnership sector on the 9th allowing you to revisit the “what are we?” conversation and move forward together with a shared understanding.

Aries Money Horoscope

With money planet Venus in rigorous, hard-working Virgo for most of the month, you’re tempted to splurge on expensive fitness classes, bougie groceries and all those fancy organic cleaning products. But it’s better to be careful with money this month as you may end up with some unexpected bills, pet expenses or administrative fees around the 26th.

Aries Compatibility: The Best and Worst Zodiac Matches

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

Taurus September 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (9/10): Breakthrough moment for your social life

  • New Moon (9/25): Set intentions for fitness and work flow

  • Other Key Dates: 9/5, 9/16, 9/20, 9/24, 9/26, 9/29

After all you’ve been through this year, you deserve a little romance in your life! Your ruling planet Venus joins the sun in Virgo and your pleasure sector on the 5th—so now’s the moment to get back on the apps, make time for your hobbies and plan some fun activities with your kids! By the 10th, your inbox is filled to the brim with invitations as the full moon in Pisces lights up your social sector. Get out there and circulate! Don’t skip the intimidating party just because you won’t know anyone there. You never know who might be waiting for you with an opportunity. Once Libra season begins on the 22nd, you slow down on the partying, and get focused on figuring out how to fit all your new ideas into your everyday life.

Taurus Love Horoscope

As mentioned, this month is all about fun for you, but your partner might be more focused on work and paying the bills. Tensions come to a head on the 16th when the two of you disagree about whether going out to that fancy dinner with friends is really worth the expense.

Taurus Money Horoscope

Swift-moving Mercury is the planet that oversees your personal finances and when it goes retrograde on the 9th, you’re forced to evaluate whether you’re really earning enough for all the work you do. Keep track of how much time and effort goes into every project. A meeting with your boss on the 23rd gives you clarity about a possible promotion.

Taurus Compatibility: Your Best and Worst Zodiac Matches, Ranked

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini September 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (9/10): Big moment for your career

  • New Moon (9/25): Set intentions for romance and dating

  • Other Key Dates: 9/2, 9/5, 9/9, 9/18, 9/23, 9/26, 9/27

If you’ve been feeling blocked when it comes to finding love, it’s necessary this month to figure out why. Time to revisit some experiences from the past and get closure. Your ruling planet Mercury stations retrograde in your romance and pleasure sector on the 9th as you embark on this deep dive. If you’re already partnered, this could also be a good time to reconnect with hobbies, passions and artistic projects that you’ve left by the wayside in pursuit of your goals. On the other end of the spectrum though, the full moon in Pisces on the 10th comes as a breakthrough moment for your career. Take the recognition in stride as you continue doing inner work.

Gemini Love Horoscope

As already mentioned, this month is a huge one for you in the love department, though it might be more about shifting your mindset than going on dates. That said, the new moon in Libra on the 25th is an excellent opportunity for you to get back in the game with a fresh mindset. Get clear on not only who you want, but what kind of relationship you desire. It's called hardballing. All the cool kids are doing it.

Gemini Money Horoscope

The full moon in Pisces on the 10th is a breakthrough moment for your career that could also come with a substantial promotion or raise if you work as an employee. If you’re a freelancer or entrepreneur, the opportunity to make money from what was once a passion project comes to fruition at the new moon in Libra on the 25th.

Gemini Compatibility: Your Best and Worst Zodiac Matches, Ranked

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Cancer September 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (9/10): Recognition comes with a huge sigh of relief

  • New Moon (9/25): Set intentions for home and family life

  • Other Key Dates: 9/2, 9/9, 9/18, 9/29

September begins with a lovely visit from family or quick trip out of town with friends as sweet Venus enters Virgo on the 5th. While both your career and home life still feel in flux, long chats with friends, walks to the coffee shop and sticking to a daily schedule bring you so much peace. That said, the flux you’re in otherwise isn’t necessarily a bad flux, but it is an overwhelming one. Everything culminates on the 10th when the full moon in Pisces brings you recognition in your field or a major opportunity for travel and study. After the full moon, things get quieter and you’re able to wrap up projects. By the new moon in Libra on the 25th, your top priority is a cozy night at home with your favorite people.

Cancer Love Horoscope

Your romantic life is pretty quiet this month. If you’re single, dates may be hard to come by, and if you’re partnered, things are mostly business as usual. Just be careful about maintaining a work/life balance and keep an open flow of communication despite how many assignments you have at the office.

Cancer Money Horoscope

If you’ve been thinking about starting a business, Virgo season (through the 22nd) provides plenty of opportunity for you to explore freelancing and entrepreneurial ventures. Because Mercury is retrograde for most of the month and communications might be delayed, this is more of a test run than a full blown launch. But why not give it a try?

Cancer Compatibility: Your Most Suited Zodiac Signs, Ranked from Worst to Best

Leo (July 23 - Aug 22)

Leo September 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (9/10): Release baggage and debts

  • New Moon (9/25): Fresh start for communications & renewal for close friendships

  • Other Key Dates: 9/11, 9/16, 9/18, 9/22, 9/23, 9/26

After a stressful summer of tensions in your relationships, home and personal life, September is a chance to stabilize and get your affairs in order. With the sun in practical Virgo through the 22nd, your main focus should be finances, budgeting and paying almost too close attention to your spending. The stress you’ve been experiencing this year has pushed you to justify a lot of in-the-moment splurges, but it’s smarter to invest. This is especially clear when the full moon in Pisces on the 10th highlights some debts you’ve been ignoring. Once Libra season begins on the 22nd, you’re feeling more grounded and are ready to add more socializing to your schedule. Plan a special outing with friends or extended family to celebrate the new moon on the 25th.

Leo Love Horoscope

Though you have more pressing matters to focus on, you can’t help but prioritize dating. And by all means, have fun! That said, you might be going out with so many people that you’re missing cues from that cute acquaintance who’s had feelings for you this whole time. As Mars connects with Saturn on the 28th, you have the chance to explore whether you should be more than friends.

Leo Money Horoscope

As mentioned, this month is best spent getting your financial ducks in a row, and Mercury’s retrograde period—starting on the 9th—provides an opportunity to reach out to clients about outstanding invoices and get paid!

Leo Compatibility: Your Most Suited Zodiac Signs, Ranked Worst to Best

Virgo (August 23 - September 23)

Virgo September 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (9/10): Culmination for your closest relationships

  • New Moon (9/25): Fresh start for finances and values

  • Other Key Dates: 9/2, 9/9, 9/18, 9/23, 9/26, 9/27

It’s still your season, Virgo! And this month begins on an especially glamorous note for you as beauty planet Venus enters your sign on the 5th. Instead of the usual group dinner or getaway with friends for your birthday, why don’t you splurge on a haircut, balayage or facial with all the bells and whistles? Your ruling planet Mercury stations retrograde in your money and values sector on the 9th making this an optimal time to purge your closet and create a capsule wardrobe. Browse Pinterest and make vision boards for your style, but try to wait until next month (when Mercury stations direct) to pick out any new pieces. That said, when Mercury meets the sun on the 23rd, your friend sends you a link to the outfit of your dreams. You can buy something now as long as it’s actually going to change your life.

Virgo Love Horoscope

Whether you’re celebrating a special anniversary with your lover or going on your first date in years, the full moon in Pisces on the 10th brings a breakthrough moment for your love life. How do you want to continue to grow together?

Virgo Money Horoscope

Mercury retrograde (from the 9th) is perfect for reviewing your budgets and getting any financial paperwork out of the way. It’s a relief to get this admin done, but the sweetest money moment of the month is the new moon in Libra on the 25th which provides a clean slate to set intentions about your cash flow. Time to get the abundance you deserve!

Libra (September 23 - October 21)

Libra September 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (9/10): Release obligations that aren’t serving you

  • New Moon (9/25): Refresh your image and identity

  • Other Key Dates: 9/5, 9/9, 9/16, 9/20, 9/24, 9/26, 9/29

Whether you’re falling in love, getting ready to launch a business or deep in some shadow work with your therapist, September begins with you feeling like you’re on another planet. Your ruling planet Venus moves into Virgo and your unconscious sector on the 5th only increasing the need to put your phone on Do Not Disturb and forget everything about the outside world. That being said, the full moon in spacey Pisces on the 10th actually snaps you back into reality when you’re busy at work or stuck handling an unforeseen obligation. You finally get your head above water when your season begins on the 22nd. Let the new moon in your sign on the 25th be a chance to set intentions about your image and identity for the coming year.

Libra Love Horoscope

Mercury opposes buoyant Jupiter on the 2nd highlighting the best and worst things about communication in your closest relationships. Whether you’re in something long term or just getting to know someone new, this month is for talking it out. This influence peaks again on the 18th after Mercury goes retrograde in your sign, suggesting that you’re the one who must start the conversation. If no topic is off limits, what would you ask about?

Libra Money Horoscope

After a summer of constant cash flow issues, your finances feel more under control this month. Action planet Mars will be in the part of your chart that represents your biggest life goals through March 2023 so spend some time this month laying the groundwork for how you might land your dream job or get more consistent financial support.

Libra Compatibility: Your Most Suited Zodiac Signs, Ranked

Scorpio (October 22 - November 21)

Scorpio September 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (9/10): Release romantic hang ups

  • New Moon (9/25): Take a moment away from reality to set goals

  • Other Key Dates: 9/1, 9/16, 9/28

September is all about clearing the mental and material blocks that are keeping you from living your best life! On the 1st, your ruling planet Mars connects with Jupiter inspiring you to to finally face that intimidating pile of unopened mail collecting dust on your desk. Once that’s taken care of, you’re ready to tackle all the other things that are hanging over your head. Then once Libra season begins on the 22nd, you enter your annual retreat mode and turn the reflection inward. The new moon on the 25th is a wonderful opportunity to go back to therapy, start a dream journal or finally commit to meditation. By the time Mars connects with disciplined Saturn on the 28th even your toughest critic won’t be able to deny all that you’ve accomplished this month.

Scorpio Love Horoscope

Though most of your month is focused on getting your sh*t together, there’s also some opportunity for romance. The full moon in Pisces on the 10th lights up your pleasure sector so clear your calendar and schedule a night out with your long term lover or new crush.

Scorpio Money Horoscope

With your ruling planet Mars in your house of shared resources through March 2023, you’re being given an opportunity to pull all your financial skeletons out of the closet. Sure, it might not feel great to face those taxes from 2017 or that credit debt in collections, but if you’re not going to handle it now, then when?

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Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarious September 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (9/10): Culmination for home and family matters

  • New Moon (9/25): Fresh start for your social life

  • Other Key Dates: 9/1, 9/2, 9/18, 9/26

Not to be dramatic, but September is a month where it’s very possible to turn your wildest dreams into a reality. The month begins with sweet Venus moving into Virgo. Under this influence, you’re easily the most popular person at work and being offered leadership opportunities left and right. Then on the 9th, Mercury stations retrograde opposite your ruling planet Jupiter. Through the end of the month, Mercury retrograde is going to challenge you to articulate what it is you want and who is going to help you get there. Whether you’re looking for love, success in your career or to start a family, there’s no hiding from your desires. Then on the 25th, the new moon in Libra marks a new era for your social life. Who do you want to be a part of your grandest plans and greatest schemes?

Sagittarius Love Horoscope

With Mercury going retrograde this month, a conversation that you start with your partner (potentially about having kids or integrating with each other more socially) that starts on the 2nd won’t be finished until October 12th. Try to stay patient! If you’re ready to introduce a new person to your larger friend group, there’s no better time than the new moon in Libra on the 25th.

Sagittarius Money Horoscope

Though you might be inspired to splurge on home improvements at the full moon in Pisces on the 10th, try to resist! Instead, take a moment to appreciate what you already have. You’re really building a wonderful nest for yourself.

Sagittarius Is the Single Most Optimistic Sign in the Zodiac—We Can All Learn from Them

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

Capricorn September 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (9/10): Integrate more magic into your daily life

  • New Moon (9/25): Set intentions for career and leadership

  • Other Key Dates: 9/2, 9/9, 9/18, 9/26, 9/28, 9/29

The big question for you this month is this: How can you do less busy work and make things more sustainable? The full moon in Pisces on the 10th has you feeling inspired to bring more spirituality and magic into your everyday life—whether that’s picking up some rose quartz at the local witchy shop, getting a tarot reading, or finally digging into that Pema Chödrön book that’s been sitting on your bedside table for months. While you’re opening up your mind, you’re also considering new paths for your career as Mercury stations retrograde in your public image sector on the 9th through October 2nd. The new moon in Libra on the 25th finds you picking up more responsibilities at work or making the decision that you’re ready to quit your job and start freelancing.

Capricorn Love Horoscope

The full moon in Pisces inspires your magical side as well as your romantic side. When was the last time you and your lover got away together? Even if it’s just a quick trip for a cute lunch or hike in a neighboring town, passions increase this month when you change up the scenery.

Capricorn Money Horoscope

After a summer of constant fluctuations in your cash flow, things are mostly steady this month. That being said, if you’re applying for a job, you have more leverage than you think to ask for a higher salary after getting an offer. Make a case for your qualifications when Mercury retrograde meets the sun on the 23rd.

How Capricorn Are You Really (on a Scale from “Goat” to “Check Your Birth Certificate”)?

Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius September 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (9/10): Breakthrough moment for your values and finances

  • New Moon (9/25): New travel, education or spiritual pursuit arrives!

  • Other Key Dates: 9/28

After a year of feeling like you constantly have to bear the burden of responsibility, September gives you the opportunity to take a journey and expand your mind. Mercury goes retrograde in the part of your chart that rules travel, education and spirituality on the 9th. Now’s the time to plan that dream vacation, pick up a research project or finally commit to a daily meditation practice. It’s more likely you’re returning to something you once tried and gave up rather than something totally new. And though there may be some hiccups and delays along the way, what’s making you excited to learn is an important part of your story so keep experimenting! Something is growing inside you, and as your ruling planet Saturn connects with action planet Mars on the 28th, you’re to literally or figuratively give birth!

Aquarius Love Horoscope

Mars is now in Gemini and your pleasure sector through March 2023. If you’re single, this influence brings all kinds of heat to your dating life. You’re meeting crushes left and right and getting asked on more dates than ever. If you’re partnered, it’s likely that a lot of your joint energy is being put into your kids these days. Either way, lean into the joy!

Aquarius Money Horoscope

The full moon in Pisces on the 10th lights up your personal finance sector making this month a breakthrough moment for your cash flow. Whether you’re getting a raise or recalibrating your expenses, you should find some extra wiggle room in your monthly budget after this lunation.

So This Is Why the Aquarius Personality Is So Rare

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Pisces September 2022 Overview

  • Full Moon (9/10): All eyes on you!

  • New Moon (9/25): Fresh start for shared finances

  • Other Key Dates: 9/1, 9/2, 9/18, 9/26

“What’s mine and what’s ours?” That is the big question for you this month, Pisces. Whether you’re dealing with a messy divorce, roommate drama or power dynamics at work (or let’s be real, all three), you’re forced to speak up for your needs way more than usual. Luckily the full moon on the 10th is in your sign giving you a confidence boost. Under this influence, you’re equipped to advocate for yourself and look completely fabulous while doing so! Also despite all the baggage and resentments you’re currently working through, Mercury retrograde (from the 9th) in your shared resources sector could also bring some good news—like that hefty check you’ve been waiting for from a freelance gig. Look out for a windfall when Mercury retrograde faces off with your ruling planet Jupiter on the 18th.

Pisces Love Horoscope

 Despite everything you’re going through this month, there’s actually ample opportunity to meet and connect with crushes, lovers and partners of all kinds this month. If you’ve been curious about an ex, you may have a chance run in as Mercury retrograde opposes Jupiter on the 18th. What’s the danger in seeing how he’s doing and collecting some data points?

Pisces Money Horoscope

The new moon in Libra on the 25th brings some positive news about a grant, loan or credit debt that you need to settle. It’s time to clear your financial slate and start fresh with better spending habits. Use whatever financial luck comes to you at the end of the month to invest rather than to splurge

Jaime Wright is an astrologer based in New York. You can subscribe to her newsletter for more musings on the stars.

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