Your Monthly Work Horoscope for May 2022

Your Monthly Work Horoscope for May 2022. Discover your Monthly Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


You’re going to feel larger than life this month due to the planetary connection of Venus and Jupiter with your sun on May 2 and May 10, respectively. By the time your planetary ruler Mars links up with your zodiac sign two weeks later, you’ll be at the top of your game and in a position of authority.

A vibrant lunar eclipse in the powerful sign of Scorpio on the fifteenth is an absolutely fantastic way to open up an energetic portal that provides illumination on the greater aspects of life. This is a lesson of leadership for many, and it can be a release of the old ways in the collective struggle. The overall energy asks you to open your mind to new possibilities and walk away from an outdated mentality in your career, Aries.

People are really going to feel the lunar wave of the new moon on May 30. It might even mean that your inner rebel will take priority over others’ expectations at work. This vibration is also going to trigger you to step out of the normal way of doing things and invent something unique that benefits your career.


When Venus, your planetary ruler, enters Aries on May 2, you could decide to take a step back from work and focus on your own vision. This might mean that you play by your own rules, carve out your own professional space or start to focus on how you can evolve your career.

You might not feel like taking the lead on projects and endeavors, especially when Jupiter enters Aries on the tenth and Mars moves in two weeks later.

The good news is that you’re surviving financially, especially when the sun enters Gemini on May 20, and the new moon in Gemini occurs at the end of the month. This is a wonderful time for you to start saving your money or consider making investments.

Work begins to heat up for you when Venus aligns with your sun on the twenty-eighth. This is an extremely important date because you can begin to feel more confident and assured in the work you’re doing. Although Mercury is retrograde and aligns with your sun on May 22, the energy from Venus is going to help boost your morale and finances. Although you might be tired of the politics at work, Taurus, you can thrive by doing your own thing and making your own space.


May brings a lot of confusion about the direction you want to take in your career. Several fated events will take place over the course of the next 30 days that could augment your professional life for years to come.

When Venus enters Aries on May 2, followed by Jupiter on May 10 and Mars on May 24, an old colleague could give you insights about the trajectory you should take moving into the future. You might decide to follow a different professional path than the one you’re on.

This could be the theme of the brutal energy coming to your work life when Mercury commences its retrograde on the tenth. Consider this your energetic wake-up call and a reminder that you should do the work that makes you happy.

The truth of the matter may be that you haven’t felt fulfilled in your career for a long time. Now, all the energy that’s been brewing within is coming to a head. Finding a new role might be confusing, but it’s worth considering. You don’t have to figure it all out in one day. Think about what sparks your interest, then move toward that. More importantly, Gemini, go easy on yourself and believe in your dreams.


May heats up your career sector in many ways, Cancer, so there’s a lot going on for you regarding money and work. If your bank account seems like a roller coaster, the tense aspects brought to you by all the Aries action on May 2, May 10 and May 24 have you seeking inventive ways to make money.

Financial security is important to you, though you’re aware that finances fluctuate throughout life. It’s important for you to keep track of what you spend on your business and what you spend on fun. Creating and sticking to a budget will help you stay on track when it comes to allocating your money.

Work is another complicated situation in your life. When the new moon occurs on the thirtieth, you could be inspired to go after a new professional dream. Perhaps you’ll join a new work team, get a promotion, or find a new job. The one thing to look out for is the bottom line of any opportunity. Use this energy to set boundaries with management and the people you work with. Aim to have a more relaxed approach and attitude by the end of the month.


Welcome to a new month of surprises, Leo! May brings you incredible news right off the bat as Mercury turns retrograde on the tenth and hits the career sector of your chart on the twenty-second.

This lovely energy is accentuated by the lunar eclipse on May 15 which brings you a whole lot of prosperity and luck. You’ll be forced to review and revisit an older professional vision that’s lingered in your mind for some time. Talk about it with your team, management and colleagues. After all, two or three heads are better than one.

You’ll be commended for your teamwork as you head into Gemini season on the twentieth, which might even lead to applause from your co-workers or a raise from your boss.

Throughout the Mercury retrograde, you’ll be able to take all that you have reenvisioned and use it to reinvigorate your work. This time around you can be successful in your projects and make major professional strides. Think about what you want to create and bring to fruition. Then you can use the energy to evolve the kind of career and future you want for yourself.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


When Venus moves into Aries on May 2, you could find that your bank account hits a high. The caveat is that you might be tempted to overspend and burn up your savings. Implement a budget to make sure you stay on track, Virgo.

One of the most important reasons why this is an ideal course of action is because on the tenth, Mercury retrograde commences in the career sector of your chart and Jupiter enters Aries, urging you to make risky professional moves that could affect you financially. Your career could stall, mostly due to Mercury’s pause, creating tension on the home front when the sun enters Gemini on May 20. Therefore, it’s important to focus on creating a balance between your work and personal lives.

The new moon in Gemini on the thirtieth calls for you to set boundaries at work and assess matters at the next phase in your career. A new prospect might come your way, giving you the incentive to step up your efforts to be the person you’ve always wanted to be.


All of the Aries energy at the beginning of May could inspire you to take great creative leaps, Libra. The key is to use your talents in the service of your professional aspirations.

Doing this will help you expand your horizons during the lunar eclipse on May 15. The cosmos is pushing you to use your creativity to expand your wallet. Starting an online retail site to sell your art could prove beneficial and make you a lot of money. You might want to keep it going as a side hustle or even your main gig.

However, don’t boast about it too much, because your colleagues at your regular job might be jealous of your success when Venus enters Taurus on the twenty-eighth. Just ignore their comments or eye rolls when you’re talking about your art. To be honest, you don’t need their approval. The only approval you need is your own. You’ve got it all, and now the whole world will know of your artistic talents.

The new moon on May 30 can open your eyes to the talk going on behind your back at work. But it can also serve to clear up any drama or lies being spread about you at the workplace.


It might be hard for you to connect with your colleagues in the month of May because you might not want to put the effort into the relationship.

However, Jupiter entering Aries on May 10, along with the start of Mercury’s backspin on the same day, is going to give you the push to leave your comfort zone and start cultivating a relationship with your peers.

Keep in mind that things could change during the lunar eclipse that aligns with your sun sign on the fifteenth. You might decide to take a step back and focus on your own goals and projects at work. It isn’t that working with others is something you’re opposed to, Scorpio. You are light-years ahead of their progress, and you want to keep your work flowing.

When Venus moves into Taurus on May 28, you could feel like you can partner with them again, because now they’re able to implement new endeavors and complete a lot of the tasks that were pending. As long as you don’t let power dynamics play a role in the relationship during the new moon in Gemini on the thirtieth, you can enjoy a successful partnership with your colleagues.


In May, your focus isn’t so much on work as it is on personal matters and love. Family issues could take your energy away from your career because your brood needs you more than ever at the beginning of this month.

When Venus and Jupiter enter Aries on May 2 and May 10, respectively, coupled with Mercury’s retrograde in the relationship sector of your chart, it could cause a lot of havoc in the romance department, and this could certainly shake things up at work.

The key to keeping up with your job is to make sure all your contracts and agreements are in order. There could be a lot of backtracking by the people you’re trying to negotiate with, Sagittarius.

Matters should calm down and issues get resolved during the new moon on the thirtieth. You might even walk away with an even more profitable agreement or new alliance as a result of all the chaos that unfolds when the sun moves into Gemini on May 20. You could have even more power to swim forward with ease, something you’ll feel when Venus moves into Taurus to lighten up your days on the twenty-eighth.


Looking to trusted colleagues and mentors is what it’s all about right now. The people at the levels above you are pulling strings and creating the power dynamic.

Venus, Jupiter and Mars all enter Aries this month, and they’re heightening your vibe and making things extremely tempestuous. Since this energy is affecting the personal sector of your chart, you could feel it as meltdowns and burnout. This could make you more argumentative than ever when things don’t go your way, especially at work. You might also argue with colleagues who don’t have your back, forcing you to align only with a few who have proven their loyalty to you.

It’s a “he said, she said” sort of vibe on a loop, and it’s going to keep repeating for the coming few weeks. Even after the eclipse on May 15, there will be more transits and lessons rearing their heads for much of the month. The question at this moment is how people are using their authority. Be sure to choose kindness in all your endeavors and relationships. You have a choice, Capricorn, so make sure to use your energy right.


With this month’s fiery Aries vibe, it’s a good time to look at your dreams and figure out how to turn them into reality. It’s important to make sure that you’re aiming for your goals and following a step-by-step process in order to get there. It isn’t about how quickly you can get things done right now, Aquarius. Instead, this is a great time to step back and dig into the creative process.

You will have several months of inspiration, particularly once the sun enters Gemini on May 20. This can give you a strong sense of direction to follow in the months ahead, especially if the Mercury retrograde has been making you feel as though you’re a bit off-kilter. This month’s energy can pull at your sense of guilt, so release any judgments about yourself. Honoring your personal needs is a priority at this time.

All the Aries energy is brewing the passion in your chart, giving you a new perspective on the approach you should take to reach your goals, particularly once Jupiter enters this zealous sign on the tenth. The plans you set in motion now will endure. You can use the grounding energy from the movement of Venus into Taurus on May 28 to create your long-term goals.


A financial transaction could benefit you as the Mercury retrograde goes through the airy sign of Gemini and your house of personal affairs on May 10. Your drive for success will be like no other this month, and with Jupiter entering Aries that same day, your drive can open many doors. This could involve the vision you began to implement and manifest last spring. Now it’s time to make major decisions and move up a whole other level on your career path.

If you’re looking for a new job or business opportunity, Pisces, now is the time for your courageous sign to strike. Taking unconventional offers seems to be the best way to direct your energy.

This holds true especially as the lunar eclipse forms a brilliant trine to your sun sign on the fifteenth, bringing many prospects your way. You definitely need to be cautious and keep it moving. Trusting your instincts is the name of the game. If there was ever a sign meant to deviate from the beaten path, it’s most definitely you.

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