Your Monthly Work Horoscope for June 2023

Your Monthly Work Horoscope for June 2023. Discover your Monthly Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


Welcome to a new month of surprises, Aries! June brings you incredible news right off the bat as Jupiter and the North Node connect in the financial sector of your chart on the first. If you’re looking for a new job or business proposition, now is the time for your courageous sign to strike. Taking offers that seem unconventional could be the best way to direct your energy.

This holds true especially since the full moon on June 3 brings many opportunities to you. Trusting your instincts is the name of the game. You definitely need to keep it moving! If there’s any sign meant to diverge from the beaten path, it’s definitely you.

Your drive for success will be like none other this month, and it can open many doors. A financial transaction could benefit you. Now is the time to make those major decisions that can take you to another level on your career path. Pluto retrograde backs into your career house on the eleventh, bringing you back to center and making it possible to take on the world without fear.



This is a wonderful month for you to experience tremendous healing and business changes, Taurus. Your outlook takes on a new level of awareness, shifting the focus to your personal needs, including starting something more tangible for yourself.

There is a great deal of autonomy being asked of you now. Whether you own a business or you work for yourself, allow the Jupiter and North Node connection that aligns with your sun on June 1 to open your mind to something outside the norm. This powerful aspect could shift something major in your life, allowing you to use your gifts and talents on a mind-expanding opportunity. This could involve real estate or other housing-related contracts. You need to pay attention to the fine print, and you might have to sign any written agreements prior to the full moon on the third.

There is a settlement coming into play, and you are the center of attention on this journey. There is plenty of luck with money and finances around this time, possibly involving a partnership.

The month also brings a new moon in the sign of trickster Gemini on the seventeenth. This aspect enlivens your second house, and it concerns releasing an old habit around material possessions, making room for something new to take shape.


This is a wonderful month for you to experience tremendous growth and change (if you’re open to it). With the Sagittarius full moon on June 3, your outlook takes on a new level of awareness and shifts the focus to your personal needs. Start something more tangible for yourself during the new moon on the seventeenth.

But you might feel unsure about what professional road to take when Saturn turns retrograde in Pisces, also on June 17, heightening your insecurity and creating uncertainty in your professional world.

Let Mercury’s shift into Cancer on the twenty-sixth help you consider something new and unusual to improve your financial well-being. You could be surprised by how inspired you are to make daring professional moves, taking you into the last week of the month on a high. You’ll be able to elevate your personal brand and take part in exciting new projects.

However, be careful not to make any spontaneous impetuous moves. You might second-guess yourself and bring a long-term professional project to a sudden end during Neptune’s retrograde, which begins on June 30.


The first half of the month will be a little quiet when it comes to professional endeavors, Cancer. However, the full moon on June 3 could bring frustration with alliances and partnerships, adding temporary stress at the workplace. But that won’t hold you back from reaching your goals at all. Being the vibrant person you are, it won’t be hard to get your needs met and your work done.

You’ll find that everyone wants to spoil you with compliments and attention at the time of your solar return on the twenty-first. Soak up all the good vibes. This will make you aware of the importance of colleagues, all professional relationships, and the negotiations needed in order to maintain equilibrium at the workplace.

When Mercury enters your sign on June 26, you’ll feel as though your finances are at a high. This can lead you to a good place when it comes to negotiations, contracts, and payments. You won’t have to push hard to get the amount of cash you want from the powers that be.


You have a wonderful month ahead of you, Leo! There are many plans for your career that will require careful thought. Remember to stand your ground and speak your truth no matter what!

Jupiter’s connection with the North Node on June 1 can bring success your way. Balancing your decisions and looking at your business affairs with clear eyes is what it’s all about. Your name is being passed around behind closed doors, so make sure to check your email frequently. You’re in good standing with professional contacts and come highly recommended.

Some competition could surface during the full moon on the third and the new moon on the seventeenth, but nothing can stop you. This does mean that you’re also required to settle some karma in the realm of tax agreements and possibly inheritances. You might take on the power of attorney for someone, for example.

When the sun enters Cancer on June 21, bringing the summer solstice, there could be an element of trust required as you jump into the unknown, but you will survive and thrive.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


This month could feel like a blast from the past as you take a step into your future, Virgo. This is one of those game-changing periods that you’ll never forget. The conjunction between Jupiter and the North Node in fellow earth sign Taurus on June 1 requires you to be on your toes. There is no way out of a sticky situation but along the circuitous path through the muddy swamp.

Venus enters the sign of Leo on the fifth, a very helpful prospect for your bank account. Investments can show a healthy step in the direction toward prosperity. It can teach you important lessons about money, helping you release fear through your zone of spirituality. It’s important to honor your ancestral roots and appreciate your intuitive guidance.

For those going through a major financial battle, you will see a karmic flow and return of your good deeds during the loving new moon in Gemini on June 17. It helps you release pain and allows you to take steps forward in a career-enhancing opportunity.

As Mercury goes from Gemini to Cancer on the twenty-sixth, you’ll be able to let go and let bygones be bygones in certain disagreements. Settling court cases and third-party matters can be very fruitful, especially financially.


Thoughts become things. Keep that in mind through the month, Libra, because you’ll be turning your ideas into action. The caveat in the first half of June is that you’re focusing too much on what others have and not enough on how to bring your unique gifts to light.

The sun glides into Cancer on June 21, forcing you to put your money where your mouth is and allowing you to start work on projects when you receive the financial backing to do so. But the question is if you’re ready. Don’t go full steam ahead with your plans until you know for sure that you’re able to craft the best version of your dream for all the world to see. If you have faith in yourself and trust the process, you’ll be able to bring your vision to fruition.

Until then, it would be best to focus on your plans and map them out for guidance. Even discussing them when Mercury enters Cancer on the twenty-sixth could be helpful for turning your goals into reality. Have patience and trust the process this month.


Looking for structure in your relationships has been affecting your work projects. Luckily, Scorpio, the planetary alignment between Jupiter and the North Node on June 1 sweeps all your issues under the rug. A project could return to you, and several opportunities that seemed gone could come back your way. It will end the havoc and bring some calmness to your life.

Not only that, but a good time to ask for a raise is around the full moon in Sagittarius on the third. Your bank account will be filled with money (something it’s been lacking).

Be aware of how you spend your money at that time, and don’t take any unnecessary risks. The new moon on June 17 could leave your bank account empty and you yearning for ways to make more money. Try to create a budget this month to make sure that you stay on target. While you might receive a raise, it might not be enough to sustain your spendthrift ways. Be careful with your finances now to avoid draining your bank account.


Your fiery ways are a little more subdued for the first few days of this month, Sagittarius, because you’re feeling more pensive than usual. Your business prospects aren’t moving as quickly as you’d like, which causes you to focus on creating things on a deeper level. This will be what serves your insatiable thirst for knowledge at this time. There’s plenty of internal growth happening, which can feel quite demanding and possibly overwhelming.

You’ll be more engaged and connected to your creative desires when the full moon aligns with your lucky sign on June 3. The reason for this change is because you’re experiencing a professional awakening.

The new moon on the seventeenth could influence you toward a completely different career track than you’ve ever considered before. Think of this time to delve into subjects that will help you grow in your career as your gift from the Universe. You might even take a subject like philosophy as your source of inspiration in business.


You’re a hard worker by nature, Capricorn, and you give your all to your job, but lately you’ve been feeling as though people are taking you for granted at the workplace. When Jupiter and the North Node connect on June 1, any money you’re owed from your professional partnerships could come back to you threefold.

A professional shift could occur when Saturn turns retrograde on the seventeenth. Prepare yourself to change the direction of your career and focus on other important matters.

The sun enters Cancer on June 21, a wonderful time to incorporate a new interest or two into an existing project. You’ll find that adding what you love to your work helps inspire you to create more and take on a more rewarding role at your workplace.

If you’re thinking about adding people to your business or hiring more help,  when Mercury enters Cancer on the twenty-sixth is a great day to make it happen. It could prove a most beneficial time for you.


Jupiter and the North Node connect on June 1, and Venus enters Leo four days later, which means there could be a big shake-up in the interpersonal relationships at your job. Beware of any codependency with business partners, let others solve their own issues, and tend to your own needs. Try not to get too caught up in workplace drama and politics, because tempestuous emotions will be flying high.

The good news is that the Gemini new moon on the seventeenth can temper these energies, adding a dash of certainty and positivity to your work relationships. You might even feel that your colleagues are less argumentative and more supportive than usual, behaving nicely toward you and each other.

The vibe at work and work flow will be steadier once the sun moves into Cancer and the summer solstice arrives on June 21. This marks a cosmic time of luck and prosperity for your career. Not only that, but you could be the recipient of some very good career news. Celebrate the day by raising a glass in a toast with your colleagues.


June is a great month to bring your goals to fruition and infuse your professional aspirations with your innermost dreams, Pisces. Blending the two will prove easier than usual, a welcome change from the earlier challenging period that may have set up creative blocks in your projects. During the first half of the month you’re now focusing on how to manifest your vision. And while it might seem hard to bring it to light, you’re making your way toward turning it into reality, especially during the full moon on June 3. It’s an inspiring day when you can bring your brilliance to the table.

When the sun enters Cancer on the twenty-first, you could be pushed to take your idea to your colleagues or the public. Don’t be shy about showing off your talents and creativity. What you’ll come to realize is that all your colleagues and superiors appreciate your ideas. Even the simplest of your concepts could be a novel commodity in your business life now.

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