Your Monthly Work Horoscope for April 2023

Your Monthly Work Horoscope for April 2023. Discover your Monthly Work Horoscope for each zodiac sign here.


This month calls for you to discuss existing contracts with your company. When Mercury connects with the North Node of Destiny on April 5, you have the opportunity to express your wish to renegotiate your salary. Manifest your true desires at this moment to make sure you reach your goals.

The quarter moon in Leo on the twenty-seventh can bring positivity and abundance to your working environment. You could get a promotion or raise during this time. This energy could also lead you to fulfill your dreams, but only if your vision is forward looking. It can push you to take on all the initiatives that you’ve been discussing at work.

The only caution this month is to not take on more than you can reasonably do. Be mindful of your workload and limitations before you overload your schedule, especially during the solar eclipse on April 20. Balance is key.


You need to make some karmic professional decisions in April. Mercury connects with the Nodes of Destiny on April 5, and you are cosmically urged to start making shifts that will evolve your business and take you to the next level. This could mean that you’re changing staff or making some important financial decisions.

Your ideas won’t be firm until Venus moves into Gemini on the tenth. This can elevate your status, as well as help you take a big leap toward reaching your goals. You’ll be able to discuss innovative ideas with your boss or present them to the board. Your creativity can flourish at this time, which is why it’s a great chance to put your ideas in motion. With the right plan, you can achieve anything your heart desires at work.

It might also be the right time to reevaluate your partnerships or make a new alliance. You’ll find that changing your business relationships can give you a fresh perspective when it comes to making decisions. With the help of your new allies, you’ll be able to steer your career in a new direction. Also, you could discover that some people you trusted are not who they seem. Watch out for coworkers who don’t have your best interests at heart.


Your professional hopes and goals are changing this month. The moment Venus moves into your sign on April 10, you could feel a shift in the air that allows you to take stock of what you want to achieve moving forward. When Mercury connects with the Nodes of Destiny, you’ll want to create a vision board as a definitive way of seeing your dreams.

Set your intentions for the future during the Aries solar eclipse on the nineteenth. This will help you move toward the professional future you want. Once you manifest your desires, it won’t be long before they become real.

The only foreseeable setback is that fear could stop you from following your passion once Taurus season begins on April 20. The good news is that the powerful energy from Aries season before that date won’t stop you from pushing ahead and seeking success. Your colleagues will support your desire to get ahead and even recommend your advancement to management. Ask them for help. They want to aid your quest for success just as you’ve supported their career direction in the past. A team effort can help you on your professional path this month.


There are major changes in the career sector of your chart this month. The Libra full moon on April 5 can bring opportunities your way. It will also be a time of new beginnings and hope. As long as you dedicate time to elevating your career and making plans that will take you to the next level, you can thrive during this time.

A few days later, Venus enters Gemini on the tenth, and you can expect to hear good news about a promotion or raise. Your hopes and goals are gaining strength, whisking you to a better place. Stay firm in your decisions and you’ll be able to achieve anything. Don’t let yourself get sidetracked. You can reach for the stars, and more, in life if you lean in to the cosmic energy.

However, feelings could interfere with business negotiations and office politics. Don’t let them stand in the way of making a deal. The moment you separate emotion from your ambition you’ll be able to find balance in your work. Remember, it’s business, not personal.


You’ve been passionately plotting your goals behind the scenes for the past month. Now you’re beginning to manifest them into reality. The solar eclipse in Aries on April 19 fills your heart with a desire to move toward your deepest professional dreams.

But it could take some work to get your plans off the ground. The reason is you have a few obstacles to overcome, particularly when the sun enters Taurus on the twentieth and Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus the next day. Family issues could stand in the way of your objectives at this time. It might even be fear that’s holding you back. Knocking down all the roadblocks that stand in your way, even those you’ve created in your mind, can help you move forward.

However, to break down the barriers that stand in the way of your success, you might have to revise your vision. Don’t let your ego stand in the way of a promising professional endeavor. Be open to change to make sure that your career can get the jump-start it needs. Listen to everyone’s opinions. Their feedback can help you.

Prepare yourself to take on each month with your personalized Monthly Horoscope!


You aren’t one to take professional risks, but you are inclined to let your intuition guide you to make career moves this month. Meditate on the professional vision that you want to turn into reality during the solar eclipse on April 19. This will put your hidden desirous nature into overdrive and give you the energy to motivate yourself. Just don’t get ahead of yourself.

You can succeed if you think about a way over any obstacles. These could include a jealous competitor who’s trying to sabotage or best you. Ask a trusted colleague, mentor, or boss for advice. They’ll steer you in the right direction.

And you’ll be inspired to take the high road when Mercury turns retrograde in Taurus on the twenty-first. After all, you’re an honest person. It’s important to stay true to your fundamentals even in competition. What goes around comes around. Don’t be on the bad side of karma.

The quarter moon in Leo on April 27 gives you the chance to better understand your vision and creative plans. This can propel you forward next month and help you reach your goals.



April brings new energy to your work life. The full moon on April 5 marks a fresh start when it comes to your professional endeavors and contracts. It’s a great time to step up at work and ask for the position you’ve been eyeing.

If you’re thinking of asking your boss for a raise, it won’t take much effort. During the solar eclipse on the nineteenth, they’ll agree that you’re owed the money due to your hard work.

With all of this passion in the career sector of your chart, you might want to start a new side hustle to make some extra cash. If you start small, you could see profits in a few weeks. Keep in mind that you’ll have to account for overhead in your new business. You might even see more money resulting from the discussion you had with your boss.

All in all, April is the month to make moves and change your current professional direction for the better. You got this!


There are a lot of changes happening with your colleagues. You could find that some coworkers are leaving their current positions for other opportunities or have personal issues that affect the work flow in the office. Productivity could be down.

Which is why it’s up to you to rev up the energy. Create a fun activity that everyone can participate in during the Aries solar eclipse on April 19. Let your coworkers vote on the class or lecture they’d like best. Maybe you’ll decide to get group Tarot or astrology readings. You could even participate in a group meditation. Whatever you decide to do, make sure it’s interesting and unusual. This is one strategic way to get everyone’s energy flowing and back into the groove of work, and you’ll begin to see a difference in their behavior.

Don’t underestimate the effect that this can have on you too. You could end up more sensitive and understanding regarding their needs and more open and compassionate regarding their ideas when working on group projects. Teamwork makes the dream work!


Your personal and professional mantra for April is “Dreams can become things.” Although you might have days when you question the direction of your career this month, you’ll be able to manifest your vision and create the career path that fits you.

The energetically potent full moon on April 5 gives you the chance to make the necessary changes to ensure that your goals have wings and a proper grounding.

The Aries solar eclipse on the nineteenth adds fuel to your passion, allowing you to take off and soar. The only caution is to move slowly while implementing your dreams. This will help make sure that you don’t extinguish the fire within and diminish your drive.

Once you lift off, it will be nonstop, which is why double-checking contracts and opportunities wouldn’t be a bad idea. It will save you trouble and setbacks in the future. Allow yourself a moment of rest at the end of the month to recharge your batteries. Then it will be time to move forward and onward.


Last month ended with you assessing your professional direction and skills as a work project ended. April starts on a reflective note, giving you a chance to plant seeds for the next six months. After all, spring is here, a time of rebirth for the planet and your career.

However, you could be second-guessing your ideas during the Libra full moon on April 5. You might feel lost in your emotions, like you’re floating in the ocean without land in sight. Don’t let yourself succumb to negative thinking.

The solar eclipse in Aries on the nineteenth inspires you to create a new professional dream. Just because your goals don’t come to fruition the first time around doesn’t mean you have to stop planning or inventing ways to get them out there.

Persevering through the first half of April will lead you toward a creative sweet spot when the sun moves into Taurus and highlights your artistry on April 20. Don’t be too anxious to make deals happen. Go with the flow to ensure success. Have patience with others as well as yourself this month if you want to reach your goals.


There’s a lot of gossip circulating at work, which could be making your job more difficult than usual. In order to squash the rumors, you’ll have to sit down with your colleagues. This might even require human resources to step in and mediate the situation during the Libra full moon on April 5. There could be the inevitable call-out of the person who started the fictitious tales.

Don’t get too involved in this, because the solar eclipse on the nineteenth will cause power struggles and more issues for you if you join in on the drama. To be honest, you don’t need or want the extra messiness in your life right now. It’s just distracting noise that doesn’t concern you. Standing up for the truth and staying clear of office politics will help you create a better dynamic with your boss, colleagues, and yourself.


It’s time to get your finances in order. Luckily, you’ll be able to do this before taxes are due (but just in the nick of time). The full moon on April 5 gives you the incentive to gather the information you need and figure out the tax deductions you’re entitled to. The good news is that you’ll easily be able to complete the annoying paperwork that you’ve been dreading for months (as a creative sign, you hate doing paperwork).

Once you send out your documents by the time Venus enters Gemini on the tenth, you’ll feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off your shoulders. The caveat is that you could be anxious about your refund. The money is coming, so don’t sweat it. The more you focus on getting the cash, the longer it will take to arrive.

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