Montana Ski Resorts Close Lifts As Frigid Cold Sets In

"With temperatures still to fall considerably further, we have made the decision to close tomorrow (1/12/24) out of concern for our guests’ and staff’s safety."

Tomorrow is now today. So what has the weather been up to? Reaching drastic lows of -19 degrees F. Thus, resorts in the area are shutting down to protect even the hardest core skiers from frostbite.

The resort urges people to stay updated as they continue to evaluate conditions. "We are still evaluating what operations on Saturday may look like - please stay tuned to our social channels and website."

"Thank you for your patience as we wait out the cold… Stay warm out there 👍🏻"

Whitefish is not the only one pausing resort ops until the cold weather, uh, chills out. Red Lodge Mountain also posted an Operations Update notifying guests that "due to the extremely cold temperatures, we have made the decision to close today. It is currently -25 degrees up on Miami Beach with wind chills around -50 degrees."

Miami Beach is sounding more like Arctic Beach right now!

Bridger Bowl joined in the fun, posting that "due to cold temperatures, we will be CLOSED Friday 1/12."

Amazingly, Big Sky Resort opted to only delay their opening time on Saturday due to the conditions.

Like everyone else, Big Sky cited "extremely cold temperatures and wind chill," noting that "the mountain will have a delayed opening Saturday, January 13."

NOAA elaborated on this warning, reporting that "a powerful winter storm will bring heavy snow, strong winds, and blizzard conditions from the mid-Missouri Valley, Midwest to the Great Lakes through Saturday."

"Behind this system, dangerous frigid temperatures are likely across the Rockies and Plains through this weekend. Severe thunderstorms are possible across the Southeast today, with strong winds, hail and a few tornadoes possible."

Holy cow.

Whitefish is predicted to see a high near -29 today, with wind chill values as low as -61. North northeast wind 10 to 14 mph, with gusts as high as 20 mph.

Tomorrow, Whitefish a high near -22 (balmy, we know!) with wind chill values as low as -57.

Sunday is the most promising, with a high near -6. That's the most doable out of the upcoming forecast, though -6 can still be quite chilly if you don't layer up properly.

Skier's noses tend to get ravaged by frostbite, and once your skin is damaged (frostbite is literally like a burn) that area is more susceptible to frostbite in the future.

According to NHS, frostbite happens when the blood in one's body is redirected away from the extremities, these parts of the body get colder, and fluid in the tissue can freeze into ice crystals. The ice crystals can cause severe cell and tissue damage in the affected area.

Let's all avoid that as much as possible! We hear nordic skiing is quite the cold-weather workout...

This is POWDER, though. We can't endorse thin skis!

Related: Why Do Nordic Skiers Nordic Ski?

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