This Money-Saving Grocery Hack Is Only For The World's Biggest Cheapskates

With inflation hitting wallets worldwide, people are doing anything they can to save a buck or two on groceries. While most shoppers have turned to coupon-clipping or buying store brands to save on the essentials, others have taken more desperate measures. And by desperate, we mean desperate.

One man on TikTok is being dragged online for the bizarre way he saves money on bananas. A TikTok, which was posted to a couple's joint account and has the caption "how my frugal boyfriend saves money on his bananas," shows him peeling a banana before weighing it at check out. Without the peel, it weighs a little less.

Given that the video was posted on a TikTok account the man shares with his girlfriend, the comments are filled with requests that she dump him over the banana-peeling blunder.

The most liked comment suggested that she "Break up w him." Another user shared that same sentiment, writing, "Save yourself the pain and suffering now. Leave him."

A number of curious people were compelled to quite literally do the math on the hack.

"The peel accounts for 31 to 33% of the total weight of the banana. so bro is getting 33% off. lmao," one user wrote.

"Did he he save 2 pennies," another added.

As strange as the banana hack may be, it's hardly the first time someone has pulled off this money-saving move. Some people might recall an episode of TLC's Extreme Cheapskates, where a woman featured on the show also peeled bananas at the grocery store before checking out.

"Probably only need about three of these. My bananas, I 'm not gonna eat the whole of the banana. I eat the bananas itself," she explained during the episode.

We'll probably just stick to our coupons.

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