Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness—Unless You Spend It on *This* (According to Science)

Mo’ money, mo’ problems, right? As much as we’d like to believe that’s true, it’s not always the case, according to a new study from Princeton University.

Researchers explain: Money can buy happiness, as long as you spend it on time-saving services that take care of tedious to-dos that tend to leave you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed (like your cleaning lady, Brenda, who’s a total godsend).

When you think about it, it makes sense. Time is our most precious commodity. So, if having a little extra moolah in your pocket means you can come home to clean countertops and get back an hour of your life—which you can now spend watching The Crown, btw—it’s a no-brainer that you’ll feel happier.

BRB, dialing Brenda.

RELATED: 8 Ways You’re Probably Annoying Your Cleaning Lady