Mom's Touching Reason for Bringing Home Her Pet Bird Is a Tear-Jerker

We're so happy this bird is where he belongs.

When you first met your pet, how did you know they were the perfect companion for you? Whether it was a first look in the shelter that shattered your heart or just a photo online you kept coming back to, every pet's story of coming home is so beautiful and unique. For this adorable green parrot, it was his sheer determination to connect with Toni, his new mama, that led to his adoption. 

In a precious (and popular) video from @ineedthisbird's account, Toni tells the story of how she and her new buddy met--and how the entire account came to be. She joined TikTok in an effort to raise money to purchase the bird, and now they're living Happily Ever After!

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OMG, our hearts would break too if we saw a little bird trying to perch on our finger like he was! No wonder Toni had to go back and adopt him. We're just thrilled that these two are finally together, with no glass or cages between them.

We can't imagine what it would be like to meet an incredible animal but not be able to take them home--just like Toni, at first. Unfortunately, @8poundsofcrack knows exactly what it's like. They shared, "this happened to me except I couldn't get the bird bc it was $600." Talk about heartbreak! No wonder Toni was working so hard to bring this bird home. 

"I'm not crying, you're crying," said commenter @lindz_turner. Yep, we totally are! This kind of bond between pet and owner is super special, so we're glad these two were able to find one another in the right time and right place. It's just like @senseless_violene said: "He looked at you like “you’re my friend now, we’re having birdseed tacos later." Instant friendship is the best!

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