Moms ‘not taking chances’ when watching over kids at grocery store

A mom has gone viral on TikTok after she posted a video of her holding her child’s leg at a grocery store.

The mother, Tiphanie Camacho (@tiphanie.camacho), turned around to look for an item at the store held onto her baby’s leg, who was sitting in the cart behind her. The move was to make sure she was still connected to the child, in fear of a potential kidnapping when she wasn’t looking.

Camacho isn’t alone in that feeling. Several other mothers on TikTok have posted themselves holding their child’s leg while they turn around to look for something.

“This is me ! I don’t play when it comes to my child,” said @missthatch89 under @nikadiwa’s post.

The worry that makes parents do this strategy isn’t for any trivial reason. According to Child Watch of North America, over 2,000 children are kidnapped every day.

Some parents even revealed under @tiphanie.camacho’s video that they struggle even going to the store with children.

“The fact that I don’t leave my house with my kids bc they’re 3, 2 & 6 months it’s traumatizing,” replied @xforeverajx.

Many parents in the comments could easily relate, and began to share some of the tricks they share with their children to stay safe.

“i always tell my daughter infront of others if anyone comes near you scream! and she says okay mommy,” said @xleanb.

Although a majority of parents understood why these were holding her children’s legs, there were a few that took a more lighthearted approach to the situation.

“I wasn’t thinking of kidnapping I was thinking that the baby would stand on the cart that’s what we did when I was 3,” said @gtrfromhell under @jeanninejudith’s video.

Regardless the reason, parents across TikTok have bonded over the shared tricks of the trade.

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