Mom's Hilarious Post Puts a Spotlight on the Difference Between Mom and Dad Hangovers

When my kids were little and we had a party to go to, my husband and I came up with the brilliant idea to switch off getting up with them in the morning, so that both of us weren't left dealing with nasty hangovers. One weekend it was my turn, the next weekend it was his, and so on. It was a pretty good plan for a while. But since we never made, like, an actual chart or anything, we'd inevitably forget whose day it was and wind up in a big fight that ended with me giving up and going downstairs to deal with the tiny humans myself.

Fun times! Except not. Which is why I can totally relate to blogger Sophie Lilley, of Tired 'N Tested, who recently shared a seriously on-point image of Mom Hangovers vs. Dad Hangovers on her Facebook page.

Check it out:

"He 'looked after the kids' / put the TV on for them, then fell asleep five minutes into Minions," she explained in the caption. "While I made a family-sized lasagna (from scratch, may I add) and cracked on with life."

Hilarious! But who bakes a lasagna from scratch while trying to recover from a night of drinking? Definitely not me. In fact, after we gave up on our alternating morning scenario, my husband and I came up with a pretty stellar Plan B: Stop on the way home from a big night out to pick up a dozen doughnuts, then leave them sitting out on the kitchen counter with a pile of napkins and a few cups of water. When the kids would wake up in the morning and come running into our room, we'd tell them they could have as many doughnuts as they wanted, as long as they didn't bother us for the next few hours.

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You can judge me if you want to, but lemme just say this: Worked like a charm. Oh, and if you're really smart, you'll buy a couple extra doughnuts to stash on your nightstand. Because eventually you're going to have to get out of bed. And when you do, you know you're gonna need those carbs!

Hollee Actman Becker is a freelance writer, blogger, and mom of two who writes about parenting and pop culture. Check out her website for more, and then follow her on Instagram.