Some moms are baffled by Target's unintentionally racy Santa cookies

Is Santa feeling a little too jolly this Christmas?

Target has found itself in the middle of a minor controversy after a woman posted a photo of the Santa Dipped Chocolate Sandwich Cookies it’s selling that some folks think is inappropriate because its feet look … kind of … phallic?

Once you see it, you can't un-see it. (Target)
Once you see it, you can't un-see it. (Target)

Someone in one of my allergy groups just posted this asking if this brand was safe for school. Personally, I think not...,” a woman named Suzie Fromer shared on Facebook last week, along with a photo of the cookies, which the big box store sells for $3.99. The post has since been deleted.

“That bottom left cookie should be on the naughty list,” someone commented.

“I think the bottom left cookie is what you see if you lift the middle left cookie up and look under Santa's tummy… Boy the look on his top left hand face …,” another person wrote.

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Nicole Miller, a stay-at-home mother form Knoxville, Tennessee, purchased the cookies and loved them before other people tipped her off to the image, which was eye-opening, to say the least.

“My friends pointed out Santa’s boots — which I then couldn’t unsee,” she told the New York Post.

Related: Social media users said the "family company" had "sexualized" the classic dish.

For its part, Target responded to the hullabaloo.

"We have not received any feedback directly on this item," Target told TODAY Food in a statement. "The design is intended to represent Santa's boots. We appreciate the feedback and will take it into consideration moving forward."