Moment Puppy Instantly ‘Recognizes’ Mom as if She Knows Her Is Giving People the Chills

When it comes to adopting a pet, whether it's a cat or a dog, the connection is mutual. It's not just us picking a pet; the pet is also choosing its owner. Don't believe me?

Then you should watch this video, posted on December 6 by the owner of the French Bulldog, @olivetheadorabull, who shares how and why she chose Olive. Let's find out more!

Aw, she knew right away.

It's like they chose each other.

Related: Terrified Rescue Puppy Lights Up With Happiness After Foster Parent Shows Her Love

This is for sure meant to be!

If you believe in reincarnation, this would be the best example of such a mysterious event.

Reincarnation Explained

Reincarnation fascinates many people, whether they believe in it or not. It's basically the belief that when a person passes on, their spirit can be "reincarnated" into another human being or animal.

While it's most popular in Buddhism and Hinduism, people of all religions and walks of life find it interesting.

A Dog's Purpose Reference

The novel A Dog's Purpose, written by American author William Bruce Cameron, has been referenced by many people in the comment section for a good reason. In the novel, Cameron explains the purpose of a dog and its mission, which involves going through four lives due to reincarnation.

Whether reincarnation is universally accepted or not, people who have lost a dog and then found a new one with a familiar feeling and an instant connection, like in this case with Olive the French Bulldog, know that there may be more to it than can be explained.

Response From Other TikTokers

One person commented, "A Dog's Purpose made me believe in reincarnation."

While another one wrote, "The fact she had her head up just waiting... she knew, and you knew."

Whether you agree or disagree with the concept of reincarnation, you can't deny that Olive was immediately drawn to her new mommy.

They had an instant, unexplainable bond.

Just as creator Kiana commented, "That puppy said, 'Mom, I came back!'" Another TikTok user supported this by saying, "I heard past dogs will send the new dog to you."

Whatever the reason, certain events are so cosmic that they can't be explained.

This reminds me a little bit of the story when I met my dog, a rescue Pit Bull, for the first time. It was love at first sight; we just had this instant bond. I was the only stranger he tolerated to pet him and feed him snacks. And the day I adopted him and took him home, he fell asleep in my lap.

Animals are simply amazing and help us go through so many tough times by providing unconditional love to us.

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