A Moment for This Photo of Henry Golding Sitting Front Row with Anna Wintour and Cardi B at NYFW

Photo credit: Instagram | Tom Ford
Photo credit: Instagram | Tom Ford

From Cosmopolitan

It’s a big deal to sit front row at New York Fashion Week. An even bigger deal? Sitting front row beside Anna Wintour at a major show like Tom Ford. On Wednesday, Henry Golding, star of Crazy Rich Asians and star of your most recent dreams (probably), scored the golden NYFW ticket when he was found plopped between the fashion icon, Cardi B, and on the other side of Wintour, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson.

While it might feel like the most random grouping of people for a few seconds, the seating arrangement actually makes so much sense. For starters, Henry Golding is the leading man of the summer as Crazy Rich Asians has been breaking all sort of records and has ruled the box office for three consecutive weeks ($119.6 million so far, NBD). He’s also got another big film coming out next week, A Simple Favor, with Blake Lively and Anna Kendrick.

Cardi B remains one of the biggest rappers on the planet. (The Tom Ford show is only her second major appearance since giving birth to her daughter Kulture.) Anna Wintour is Anna Wintour. And well, Tom Hanks, is just an all-around good guy (and Rita is the coolest). Not only does actor Tom share a name with Tom Ford, he also happens to be one of Henry Golding’s Hollywood heroes. Here is the latter “fan boying” over the former. Adorable.

Of course, Henry has been giving his own Tom Ford fashion show all summer long. Not long after wearing a baby blue tuxedo for the Crazy Rich Asian premiere in Hollywood, the actor went metallic for the film’s Singapore premiere. Pretty sure it’s a look Nick Young would definitely approve.

Photo credit: Albert L. Ortega | Getty
Photo credit: Albert L. Ortega | Getty
Photo credit: Suhaimi Abdullah | Getty
Photo credit: Suhaimi Abdullah | Getty

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