Moment Parents Gift Daughter with Mastiff Puppy After the Family Dog Passed Has People in Tears

Countless joyful moments come with pet ownership, but there are also many difficult times you'll have to endure. As mom and dog mom @egn1717's family found out when their Mastiff dog, Waylon, passed, the hardest moments come when it's time to say goodbye to your four-legged best friend.

On August 13, though, this family decided they were ready to mend their broken hearts by adopting a new dog. It was special for everyone, but particularly for daughter Stella Blue, who was shocked and touched to meet the huge puppy.

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Welcome to the family, Amos Moses! Your new human sister seems so moved by your arrival, and we can't wait to see the kind of bond you develop together.

As any pet owner knows, bringing home a new furry family member is a big deal. It can be even more emotional after losing a beloved pet, and we can see the immensity of that emotion in Stella Blue's priceless reaction to the Mastiff puppy. We just wish we could give her a hug!

Commenter @the1.unknown admitted that the video, "got me tearing up. She's gonna love that dog so much!" We know precisely what you're talking about! Anyone who's had a close bond with a dog understands just how much they mean to their loved ones. Stella Blue and her family will never forget Waylon or the 11 amazing years they shared together, but their love and adventures with Amos will be like magic healing their hearts.

In the end, there's no right or wrong way to grieve a deceased pet. Some choose not to adopt a pet right away, or ever again, while others honor the love they shared by continuing to share it with other animals. Only you know what's right for you -- just like this family did when adopting the Bull Mastiff puppy.

Despite the tears and heavy emotions during the introduction, Stella Blue and Amos are already as happy as can be in one another's company.

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Their bond is so precious! Amos seems right at home in Stella Blue's arms, and there's zero doubt in our eyes about how much she adores the new puppy. He's already helping her heal so much!

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