Moment Mule Reunites with His Beloved Brother at Sanctuary Has People Sobbing

It had been two months since Onyx and Obsidian the mules had seen each other. They had spent their lives together in a field, working and working until one day they were almost sent to slaughter.

That’s when Colby’s Crew Rescue jumped in and saved them. The moment that they were reunited was definitely one for the books.

When Obsidian was leaving the horse trailer, he let out a loud noise. And that’s when he heard his brother Onyx answer back. It was magical, and they rushed to each other’s sides to touch noses.

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Obsidian even took to the ground and started rolling around in joy. The huge mule looked so happy to be reunited with his brother. It was such an incredible sight to see the looks on their faces.

This moment is what animal rescue is all about. We know that they all have different personalities and relationships with each other, but these animals definitely share a special bond.

To see them rush up to each other and touch noses is just so sweet. They had to have been really lonely without each other, so finally being at each other’s sides after all that time must have been so heartwarming for them.

There’s no telling just how much abuse the two mules faced together, but they somehow made it through alive. When animals experience abuse together, they usually form a bond around shared trauma and getting through the situation at hand. When they make it out, they share such a close bond.

There’s no denying that’s the case for these two mules, and luckily they will be able to live out the rest of their lives together in peace and quiet. They will have a wonderful life now in their forever home, and it’s all thanks to Colby’s Crew Rescue.

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