Moment Baby Donkey Finally Leaves His 'House' for the First Time Is So Irresistible

The little guy was so hesitant at first!

Getting used to a whole new world and new surroundings can be pretty intimidating for baby animals. Between all of the unfamiliar sights, smells, and noises, it's no wonder that they might be a little hesitant to explore at first. That's exactly what happened with one cute-as-a-button baby donkey named Spanky.

This little guy's caretaker shared a video on the @peacelovedonkey TikTok account of Spanky being a bit intimidated to venture out of his "house." While she was there for positive encouragement, it was up to this sweet donkey to take the leap. Check out just how nervous this poor little guy was.

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Oh my goodness. Spanky couldn't possibly be any more irresistible! You could tell how he kept going back and forth between wanting to check out the "outside" world and opting to just stay in the place he knows. As his caretaker explained in the caption on the clip:

"It took FOREVER for Spanky to decide to come out but he eventually took the leap and had a blast exploring the world with his mom. You may wonder why I didn’t just pick him up or nudge him and that’s because I try to let them do things in their own time unless it’s an emergency or vet or farrier. Donkeys need to think things through and if you force them, they become suspicious of you."

Of course, everyone was standing by to see if he would eventually cross the threshold. And when he finally did? What a wonderful moment to capture on video. Here's a sweet follow-up video of Spanky exploring the arena with his mom!

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People are just so taken with this perfect moment in time. TikTok user @GwenH said, "Gives new meaning to the term, 'helicopter mom.' So, so precious." Another viewer, @Cindy Hudson added, "I love how she keeps contact with him, like 'you’re safe, mama’s right here.'"

Something tells us that mama will be by Spanky's side every step of the way from here on out, too. With her tender, loving guidance, he'll be exploring his new environment on his own in no time!

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