This Mom Went Mega-Viral For Getting Her GED After Being Tutored By Her Daughter And Proving It's Never Too Late

This is Danielle Sylvester, a 37-year-old content creator and distribution leader in Maryland who recently stopped the scrolling of over 7 million people who couldn't help but marvel at a long-term goal of hers being accomplished.

In the viral video, Danielle stands side-by-side with her daughter, Thyri, as they sway in coordination to the beat of the background track. "I'm a high school dropout at the age of 16," Danielle began her viral video.

"My daughter has been tutoring me for months," she continued before revealing a certificate. "I finally got my GED!"

  Instagram: @_sylvester_danielle_ / Via Instagram: @sylvester_danielle_
Instagram: @_sylvester_danielle_ / Via Instagram: @sylvester_danielle_

"It's never too late!"

  Instagram: @_sylvester_danielle_ / Via Instagram: @sylvester_danielle_
Instagram: @_sylvester_danielle_ / Via Instagram: @sylvester_danielle_

When she was in school, Danielle told BuzzFeed that she had a hard time picking up lessons and lacked both a mentor and confidence in the curriculum. But since her daughter had recently graduated from high school in 2021, that made Thyri the perfect person to tutor her. So, without telling friends or family, Danielle began studying.

"Thyri was a great mentor and tutor," Danielle said. "[She] always took her time [and] taught me a few tricks on how to retain the subjects at hand."

  Dani Serrano / Getty Images
Dani Serrano / Getty Images

Even when Danielle failed her first test, Thyri was right by her side. "I wanted to give up," Danielle said. "I was embarrassed and angry at myself. Kinda just feeling sorry for myself. My daughter came upstairs [and] listened to me doubt myself, then told me to get up 'cause 'this isn’t the way you’ll get what you deserve. Feeling sorry for yourself doesn’t accomplish goals.' It’s funny when your child uses your own words against you."

Now, with her GED in hand, Danielle can't help but marvel at her success. "I cried like a baby [when I got my GED]! I felt relieved and accomplished. Something I thought I’d never get done. But I did it."

Now, she's helping her sister study for her own GED exams. "I absolutely encourage any and everyone to go back [to school]. Regardless of your age. Invest in yourself. Why not?"

Next, the 37-year-old hopes to pursue higher education and earn a degree in communication and marketing. As for Thyri? She's an aspiring model who is currently taking acting classes. A dynamic duo!

To keep up with this mother-daughter team, you can follow Danielle on TikTok and Instagram.