Mom transforms baby's normal jumper into an exciting sensory experience

Taylor Eskridge (@taymarieesk) is a mom and TikToker who is constantly on the lookout for new fun activities for her infant son, Wyatt. In a recent video, Taylor shared how she uses sensory bins to make Wyatt’s time in his jumper more exciting. Sensory bins are a popular activity for babies and toddlers. They are designed to encourage young children to use their senses to explore the world around them. In the video, Taylor puts three sensory bins full of different materials underneath Wyatt as he bounces around in his jumper. he can feel the different materials with his feet and engage with their different textures. The materials Taylor uses for her three sensory bins are water, Orbeez and shaving cream. Since Wyatt is still too young to walk on his own, the jumper keeps him upright and stable as he plays. Research has found that sensory play helps young children build cognitive skills, so Taylor’s sensory bins aren’t just fun for Wyatt, but they are also helping him learn!. Viewers jumped into the comments to express their appreciation for the video and suggest other sensory bin ideas