Mom of Senior Corgi Moved to Tears After Finding Solution That Changed Her Life

Any senior dog owner knows that it can be so darn hard to see your pet's health decline. It's gut-wrenching. So who could blame one woman when she welled-up after seeing that a new product she bought her Corgi to help move around the house actually worked?

The video was downright emotional. Even if you don't have a dog, it's hard not to get choked up seeing this magical moment.

The moment was so small, but meant so much to the senior dog owner. As the clip shows, the dog was doing something totally normal — walking into the kitchen. But when you understand the backstory, you'll get why this was so emotional.

Related: Corgi Adorably Brings Infant Every Tennis Ball He Can Find

Mocha the Corgi slowly made its way over to its mama on the other side of the room. "Come on," the woman cheered, but then immediately broke down in tears. "You're doing so good mamas," she sobbed.

In the video's text overlay she explained that Mocha is "going on 17." So when she found toe grips for the pup, it solved a big issue.

"Please ignore my crying, but I have watched my baby slip on tile, bought more carpets, and more to help her splaying," she wrote. "This has been the best money I have ever spent."

The mama's "happy tears" really touched the comments section. "Toe grips for seniors are game changers!!! So happy you could get some peace for your baby," wrote one person. "My baby girl is 10 and I know I need to buy her toe grips. She was so excited when I got home today and she slipped, she hurt her footsy," another commenter shared. "There’s so much love in this video I’m crying right into my 16-year-young Doxie," a third commenter admitted.

What Are Toe Grips?

Sadly, Mocha isn't alone in needing a little help to get around the house in her old age. Which is why toe grips can really be a game changer. Grips, like Dr. Buzby's ToeGrips for Dogs are small rubber tips that you place on your dog's toenails so that they won't slip or slide on smooth surfaces. The grips help give your dog's foot some traction and can be worn all the time. They are good for indoor and outdoor use. The grips do need to be replaced every three months, but to get results like this mama did, the $39.99 seems totally worth it.

Better yet, in the comments section the dog mom said that the grips immediately changed everything for her dog. In fact, she added that she wishes she'd bought the grips for the dog "a year ago."

So we guess you could say these were the best purchase ever.

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