Mom saves empty baby wipe containers to hide light switches from her toddler

This TikTok parent came up with a clever hack for using baby wipe containers to keep her toddler away from outlets and light switches!. This TikTok parent came up with a clever hack for using baby wipe containers to keep her toddler away from outlets and light switches!. Jacqueline Wieser (@jackquelinexwieser) is a parent who shares videos of her adorable toddler, along with the occasional parenting hack, on TikTok. Jacqueline Wieser (@jackquelinexwieser) is a parent who shares videos of her adorable toddler, along with the occasional parenting hack, on TikTok. One creative hack involves using a surprising object to keep her toddler from touching light switches and outlets: baby wipe containers!. One creative hack involves using a surprising object to keep her toddler from touching light switches and outlets: baby wipe containers!. “Here’s a little life hack that I discovered,” Jacqueline says in the video. “Don’t throw away your old baby wipe [containers]!”. “Here’s a little life hack that I discovered,” Jacqueline says in the video. “Don’t throw away your old baby wipe [containers]!”. Instead, Jacqueline recommends pulling the lids off of used baby wipe containers and using them to cover light switches and power outlets. Instead, Jacqueline recommends pulling the lids off of used baby wipe containers and using them to cover light switches and power outlets. The lid has an adhesive backing which allows Jacqueline to stick it directly onto the light switch plate. Once the lid is attached to the light switch, Jacqueline demonstrates how it can be easily closed to hide the light switch, and snapped open to use it. Baby wipe lids might not pose much of a physical challenge to a determined toddler. but the genius of Jacqueline’s hack is that it serves a psychological rather than physical purpose. The lids hide light switches and outlets from curious toddlers, which reduces the temptation to play with them. Out of sight, out of mind!