Mom Returns Home To Discover Ludicrous Jump Being Constructed In Her Driveway

Having kids means you spend a great deal of time stressing about how they will get hurt next.

Having kids who mountain bike just supercharges this fear. Watch David Lieb's mother react to him building a ramp in the driveway.

In this video, Lieb goes over how to make a large jump, with emphasis on large. I think that most of us can relate to David’s mother's cameo when she returns home to discover this monstrosity in her driveway.

Even though David is a pro rider, It still has to be unsettling to see up close exactly how big the jumps your kid is building are. Moreover, any parent can relate to taking issue with it in the front yard. Moving that jump will undoubtedly mean trenches in the grass and the flattened flower gardens.

The rest of this video is very informative. Even though the ramp is far bigger than most riders would even consider needing, they still give great advice on how to build a ramp of any size.

The principle of drawing a radius is an important one and applies to any size jump. Though the difference between a foot of radius may not seem like a lot, It can make a huge difference. Generally, you want a smaller radius for BMX and Dirt Jump applications and a larger one for trail bikes.

Even if you have no plans for a 9-foot jump that could send you across the Atlantic, I hope this video inspired you to build a jump of your own.

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