Mom of quadruplet toddlers and a 5-year-old stuns TikTok with a day in her life

Dayna (@helloquadruplets) is a mom who shares heartwarming videos of her 5-year-old son and quadruplet toddlers on TikTok. Dayna recently shared a video that revealed just how much work goes into raising 5 young kids. The video, which racked up 5.2 million views, shows Dayna’s daily parenting routine. It begins with Dayna waking up early to make breakfast before her kids wake up. While Dayna’s husband brews some coffee, Dayna slices fresh fruit, and prepares plates for each of her kids. “I wake up my 5-year-old who helps me wake up the quadruplets. They come downstairs, I change diapers, and they have breakfast together”. Before she knows it, it’s time to eat again. The hardworking parent gives her kids some snacks, then changes them into pajamas for nap time. Dayna preps lunch, wakes the kids up, and changes some diapers. Her afternoon looks much like her morning, with lots of play time and a few toddler tantrums. After taking the kids outside for some fresh air, Dayna orders some dinner. Finally, after a little bit more play, Dayna puts the kids to sleep and the day is over. Viewers were blown away by Dayna’s day-in-the-life video, and jumped into the comments section to share how impressed they were