This Mom Had an Unassisted Home Birth and the Picture Is Stunning

Photo credit: Facebook
Photo credit: Facebook

From Woman's Day

Well, wow.

Marissa Heckel, a woman from Columbus Grove, Ohio, had a difficult first delivery at a hospital, and so for her second child, she decided to do things a little differently. Well, very differently. She decided on a totally unassisted home birth.

"I had a not so great experience in a hospital three years ago when I delivered my daughter," she told Popsugar. "I was bullied for not wanting an epidural and was harassed throughout my labor about getting one."

She continued: "I was also forced to lay on my back during delivery and was told to 'push' against my body. I ended up with a second-degree tear and some stitches."

She added that she and her husband decided that an an unassisted birth in their home would be much more peaceful.

Marissa's friend shared a photo of the moment after Mariah gave birth on Facebook:

Photo credit: Facebook
Photo credit: Facebook

Marissa also wrote about the experience of giving birth to her 9-pounds, 8-ounces, 22 inches-long son:

It's been five days since I delivered my son unassisted. Three years ago as of September I delivered my daughter in a hospital drug free. After a horrible experience being bullied about my birth plan and harassed throughout my labor, I decided to stay at home and deliver my son upon finding out I was pregnant. My husband was very supportive the entire time as he respected my body and my choice to be in a stress free environment. We opted out of a midwife due to my stubbornness. I simply do not like anyone trying to tell me what is best for me or my baby. Finances were not the issue in my case. Going unassisted was more of an opportunity for me to prove to others that God made our bodies to birth-that hospitals were never the norm. I delivered my son in my bathroom after a 36 hour labor. The exact amount of time I labored with my daughter. Throughout the night of active labor I sought relief in the shower and bathtub but was unsuccessful. I chose to endure the pain standing up against the wall. I just kept telling myself "the pain is only temporary". In the early morning I began transition. Not exactly sure how long it lasted but it seemed to be a few hours. When the contractions and the pressure came my husband was bedside holding my hand. It was actually romantic although I was practically roaring at this point. Somewhere during the time period my water gushed all over our bed. Five different times. When I felt the urge to push I attempted to stay in bed but felt much too "unnatural" for me. I told my husband about my urge to push and asked for assistance to the toilet. I let my body do the pushing. I just sat on the toilet. My husband was worried I'd been pushing too long so I had to reassure him in between contractions that I could feel his head descending (the beginning of the ring of Fire) Finally my husband said he could see his head. He encouraged me to keep going. He also expressed concern that our son would hit his head on the toilet or fall in (haha). I then told him to help me up and that I was going to deliver the shoulders standing up. My husband looked at me like I was nuts but helped me anyway. I stood up, held onto the towel rack and let my body do one last push and he was finally out. My husband stood there in shock taking all the pictures.

Marissa ended her post by saying that she "never felt so powerful and accomplished" in her entire life, and that "our bodies truly are amazing!!"

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