Mom’s Hack for Making a Healthy Enrichment Treat for Her Dog Is Brilliant

Just because a dog treat is called a "teat" doesn't mean it can't be healthy. There are various ways to make healthy dog treats your pup will enjoy that are easy and inexpensive.

The TikTok account Hickory Dickory Dog shares in her video, posted on September 8, what kind of treat she gives her pup that keeps him satisfied and busy for a few hours. Let's find out more!

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This is such a great idea!

Plus, you get a clean yogurt container you can reuse after giving it a thorough rinse.

This method is not only healthy, as yogurt has proteins and other nutrients that are great for your pup, but it also keeps your dog mentally stimulated and busy for a few hours.

It's like he has to work hard for that dog treat, which will leave him tired and prevent him from being destructive.

Any dog needs mental stimulation, aside from physical activity. Keeping them busy helps the dog be distracted and not destructive.

To make this treat, all you need is an almost empty yogurt container—preferably plain Greek yogurt—as well as a few kibbles, which you'll add to the container.

Give it a good shake and place the container in the freezer for a few hours.

Once frozen, you can give it to your pup just like that and let him lick the contents of the container. Not only do these frozen dog treats provide your dog with mental stimulation, but they also make for a great cooling treat, especially on hot days.

You could also make little frozen treats by mixing plain Greek yogurt with kibbles and then placing that mixture into silicone molds to freeze for a few hours.

These treats also offer a fun way to keep your dog occupied and can be a helpful tool for crate training as well as a reward for good behavior.

Just make sure to monitor your dog while it enjoys its treat to ensure its safety, especially if you're giving your dog the container to lick.

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