Mom Giving Her Kid's Diabetic Hamster His Insulin is Total Parenting Goals

Any parent who has let their kid buy or adopt a small rodent knows that it's usually mom or dad who ends up doing the bulk of the caregiving for the rodent. Whether that's feeding the little animal or cleaning out its cage most parents end up doing the work.

Well, one mom deserves all the kudos for how she cares for her son's diabetic hamster as shown in the clip that Elisa H. posted on August 14.

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The TikTok video posted by @Elisaash13 of caring for her son's diabetic hamster and giving it an insulin shot has over one million views and tons of comments.

@Laci comments, "Just because they're rodents and have a short lifespan, doesn't mean they don't deserve the best care. I would do anything for my hammy." @Crafty adds, "I think you are AMAZING for doing this!" @Wch replies, "Hamsters have a very special place in my heart and I would absolutely do this too."

A few users asked how they discovered Bailey the hamster was diabetic to begin with, and most pet owners discover their little hamsters are diabetic because they notice their little guys are urinating a lot and seem to be excessively thirsty. If you suspect your hamster is diabetic, consult your veterinarian who can run additional tests.

Elisa A explains how they discovered Bailey was diabetic here.

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If your hamster gets diagnosed with diabetes here are a few important things to remember. Diabetic hamsters are prone to dehydration. Make sure your hammy has access to a lot of clean water. Watch their diet. Any foods that have added sugars or super high amounts of fruit should be avoided. And talk to your vet who can come up with the most suitable treatment plan for your little hamster.

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