Mom Finds 5-Foot Venomous Snake in Her Kid's Dresser Drawer

There are very few tasks as annoying as putting away laundry, and this story out of Australia may want to make you delegate this chore to someone else in your family forever.

While looking in her three-year-old toddler's underwear drawer, a mom discovered an incredibly venomous eastern brown snake.

The video was shared on Facebook by snake hunter Mark Pelley, and in the video you can hear him saying, "Oh, there he is! A brown snake in an underwear drawer. That's not something you see every day. That's impressive, isn't it?" Impressive? More like terrifying!

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The mom in the video thinks the snake likely crawled into a pile of laundry and entered the home when the boy's mother took the clothing in from a line outside, hiding in the laundry basket until the clothing was put away. That's pretty lucky she wasn't bitten when that happened!

Eastern brown snakes are found throughout eastern Australia and in isolated populations in central and western parts of the country, as well as in southern and eastern New Guinea. They are "fast-moving, aggressive and known for their bad temper," according to Australian Geographic, which ranks it as the most dangerous snake in the country.

Other Weird Places Snakes Have Been Found

Snakes are extremely important to the ecosystem and control the pest and insect populations of the world, but it's still pretty alarming when they show up somewhere unexpected, even if they are the non-venomous sort.

Two days ago, a snake was discovered in the overhead luggage bin on a flight from Bangkok. Official said it was a "very rare incident." Talk about snakes on a plane!

A black snake was recently discovered in a Queensland public toilet. The wildlife carer and snake catcher was called by police to the public bathroom after a local, surprised by the reptile, summoned them for help.

In Green Bay this past September an exotic python snake was found curled up in a car engine. The snake was rescued and transported for care at a sanctuary.

In December of last year ,a deadly red bellied black snake was found taking a snooze in the dog bed that belonged to the family Dachshund in a home in Australia. Thankfully, no one was injured.

I don't know about y'all, but I'm gonna be very careful the next time I open up an underwear drawer in my house!

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