Mom Creates Bucket List for Dachshund with Cancer and Asks People to Follow Along

No matter if you provide your fur babies with the healthiest, most active lifestyle, there are unfortunately sicknesses that can still get them just as it does for humans. And when you receive the bad news, it is the most gut-wrenching feeling in the world. We don't wish that on anyone.

Unfortunately, TikTok user @its_a_weineh received the very sad news that her Dachshund was diagnosed with late-stage cancer. With only a few weeks left before he passes over the rainbow bridge, this mom is determined to complete a bucket list with him. First stop: pup cup!

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Aww, this is giving us such a mix of emotions. Our hearts are breaking for this dog mom because getting this news must've been devastating. We can't even imagine how she's feeling. But we also think it is so sweet. She's letting her fur baby live life to the fullest til the very end. And puppuccinos are a great start to the bucket list.

All of TikTok, ourselves included, are sending this family all the thoughts and prayers during this trying time. "Lots of love to you and your family, sweetest Willy!" said @winston_water_beagle.

If you also received the horrible news that your dog has cancer, we're so sorry. It is a scary and unpredictable time. When it comes to treatments, there are two avenues you can take - traditional and natural. The traditional treatments include surgery, chemo, and radiation. Surgically removing a tumor is the best option for health and long-term survival. But sometimes, tumors cannot be removed and people cannot afford or do not want to put them through chemo or radiation. The natural alternative includes products such as astragalus, garlic, mushrooms, echinacea and cats claw. You can also add more dietary supplements to their food. Please note that alternate cancer therapies are not emphasized in veterinary college. You ultimately have the decision to do what you think is best for your pets.

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