Mom of Bernese Mountain Pup Who Has Lots To Say Jokes He Should ‘Start a Podcast'

Some dogs can be very chatty, and @Nash the Berner is one of them. I love listening to dogs 'talk' because it always makes me smile. Nash has a lot to say all of the time. His mom caught him talking recently and shared a video with all of us on Wednesday, November 8th.

The funny video shows Nash talking to his mom. He's lying on the carpet and is looking up at her. He has lots to say! I wonder what he was saying. Based on the caption it was morning time...maybe he was asking for his breakfast!

I agree with the caption and think the cute pup should start a podcast! I wonder if his mom knows what @Nash is saying! Clearly he's saying something. Is it breakfast time? Does he want to go out and play? Maybe he wants a walk? Who knows, but I could listen to him talk to his mom all day!

Related: Bernese Mountain Dog Caught Breaking Into the Food Bin and the 'Evidence' Is Priceless

People also enjoyed listening to the Bernese Mountain dog chat his mom up. @vanessa shared, "This dog making sounds is the highlight of my day!" @Gina added, "He’s hysterical." I feel the same way @Sara does when she said, "I need a clone of this puppy dog"! @Jojo admitted, "I would believe EVERYTHING Nash has to say!" and his mom replied, "He’s always right!!" Another commenter asked, "Do these breeds talk a lot?" and Nash's mom replied, "We didn’t think so until we got him! He’s a big talker in the mornings! I think he learned it from his husky friends!"

It may seem that the idea of dogs talking is silly, but they really do talk to their humans! Dogs are very social animals, and they use body language, facial expressions, and sounds and barks to communicate with the ones they love. Just like humans try to 'bark' like they're furry friends do, dogs do the same thing with us. Some are just more chatty than others!