Moda Operandi Sets Summer Shoe Week

Moda Operandi is combatting summertime doldrums with “Shoe Week,” a new sales franchise that solely promotes fashion for the feet.

Seven advance trunk show sales have been scheduled to take place from Monday to Aug. 12. Some sales have a theme, like “Curb-to-Cab,” which focuses on impractical stiletto shoes in which one can barely walk.

Other sales highlight a single brand, as is the case with the site’s Jimmy Choo sale. Additional focuses of the week include mule styles and sneakers. New designer callouts for the week include labels A by Anabelle, Stella Luna and Saptodjojokartiko.

Moda’s vice president for nonapparel Jodi Kaplan explained of the emphasis on shoes: “It’s a growing category. Shoes get a lot of exposure, clients are definitely interested in wardrobing shoes. It’s been interesting to see the breadth of shoe styles our lady is interested in — everything from sneakers to heels.”

Kaplan said the site experiences near equal sales of shoes and handbags, and that she is “looking to grow both categories.”

Shoe Week trunk shows will remain on the live site for the duration of August.

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