Mobile Marketing Offers ‘Captive Audience’ – But Where Do Brands Start?

App developer ranking organization sees mobile phones as a “unifying factor” among consumers and the brands trying to reach them. Max Chekalov, content developer at the organization, said mobile offers brands a captive audience, “and one that is highly responsive.”

“There’s almost something primal in that little red dot that screams, ‘Pay attention to me now or you’ll be sorry,'” he explained. “There’s a sense of urgency when you see that notification that simply isn’t present with other forms of communication.”

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Chekalov described mobile marketing as an “instant form of communication on a device that people usually carry everywhere with them, and with the added bonus that they’re not likely to want to ignore it. When you look at it that way, mobile marketing can really be a winner for you.”

To help brands and retailers sort through the complexities of mobile marketing, developed an infograph, which can be found here.

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