MMA Fighter Who Lost Son to Drunk Driver Shares New Mission

Last season MMA Fighter Marcus Kowal and wife Mishel Eder came to The Doctors just weeks after tragically losing their 15-month-old son Liam who was hit by an accused drunk driver. They return to speak more about their important new mission and to also share some great news.

Mishel says they have been able to survive this terrible time through an amazing support system and also with counseling.

Watch: Drunk Driving after One Drink?!

Marcus tells The Doctors they are maintaining their son's legacy through his foundation, Liam’s Life. The foundation worked to combat drunk driving through a social media campaign of doing 100 kicks a day and then challenging 3 others to do 100 kicks. Marcus did 100 Kicks Challenge every day for an entire year and on the last day, he kicked for 24 hours!

Additionally, they are writing a book about organ donation, making a documentary about drinking and driving, sponsoring 3 scholarships to study self-driving cars, and also hosting numerous speaking events at high schools.

"[We want] to change the next generation when it comes to drunk driving," Marcus says.

Watch: I Lost My Legs to Drunk Driving

The MMA fighter tells us the woman who hit Liam received 6 years in jail and pled not guilty. He says she never showed any remorse and has never reached out to his family. "She's behind bars. We don't focus our time on her, we focus on our mission," Marcus says.

Another new mission for Marcus and Mishel is their 3-month-old son Nico.

"He's been a blessing and he's really helped on this healing journey," Mishel says of their new son.

Our friends at Johnson’s Baby give the family an amazing surprise of 1 year of baby supplies. Learn more about Liam’s Life, here.