Missy Elliott Surprised Her ‘Funky White Sister’ While She Performed ‘Work It’

Photo credit: The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Photo credit: The Ellen DeGeneres Show

From Cosmopolitan

Back in August, Rhode Island resident Mary Halsey went viral for her ridiculously spot-on rendition of “Work It” at a neighborhood gathering. She was holding a shofar, a neighbor was eating ice cream in the background, and she tore it up-so much so that Missy Elliott herself tweeted in appreciation, giving Halsey her seal of approval as her “funky white sister.”

Now, because in 2018 all viral sensations end up on Ellen, Halsey appeared on Ellen. She wore the same outfit she did in the video, and performed “Work It,” naturally. And who showed up in the middle of her act but Missy herself? The two of them finished the verse together, and Halsey was visibly moved. The two gave each other a big hug, then sat down to chat with Ellen DeGeneres.

“I had no idea, you’ve blown me away. I can hardly just sit here,” Halsey said, then leading the crowd in a cheer. “Missy Elliott! Ellen DeGeneres! Mary Halsey!”

“When she first said, ‘Missy’s funky white sister,’ I was like, ‘Who is this?’” Elliott said. “So when I listened, I’m like, ‘She knows all the words, but the sound effects!’ She makes the elephant noise, all of that.”

Elliott then gave Halsey a custom bedazzled T-shirt with her signature, and Ellen gave her a jacket with “Missy’s Funky White Sister” on the back. Halsey said she waited to do any big interviews until Ellen came calling, and her bet clearly paid off. Now when will Rihanna show up when I sing “Umbrella” off-key at karaoke?

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