Missouri Town Embroiled in Hilarious Sign War After McDonald's Provokes Nearby Dairy Queen

Marshfield MO Sign War
Marshfield MO Sign War

Marshfield Area Chamber of Commerce

An epic war of words is playing out across marquee signs and poster boards in Marshfield, Missouri.

The town began making national headlines after a local McDonald's challenged a nearby Dairy Queen to a sign war. Dairy Queen took the bait, and before long, dozens of restaurants and businesses had joined in the fun.

"HEY DQ! WANNA HAVE A SIGN WAR," McDonald's asked.

"WE WLD BUT WERE 2 BUSY MAKIN ICECREAM," Dairy Queen quipped back with a dig at McDonald's famously out-of-service ice cream machines.

And they were off. Soon, big and small businesses got involved, joining the fray with their own witty barbs.

"Marshfield is such a close community, we're all like family here," Randy Bryant, Director of Operations at the McDonald's, told Ozarks First thatthe sign war was the idea of a staff member named Mario.

"He said 'It's hot, the world is throwing everyone challenges and negativity,' so we all found a way to laugh and have fun as a community," Bryant explained. "And what's better than an old-fashioned sign war?"

We couldn't agree more!