Misses Walt (@mrswalttoyou) is a self-described “TikTok mom and wife” who believes “you ca

Misses Walt (@mrswalttoyou) is a self-described “TikTok mom and wife” who believes “you can’t take life too seriously” . Walt recently shared a relatable video showing how she reacted when her daughter’s guinea pig got sick. The video racked up 4.4. million views. It shows how Walt was forced to decide whether to put the sick guinea pig down ... . ... or spend a large amount of money to save her daughter’s sick pet. Spoiler alert: Walt spends the money and saves the guinea pig. In a quick montage of shots, Walt details all of the expensive and time-consuming medical treatments her daughter’s guinea pig is undergoing. Walt clearly spent a lot of time and money to save her daughter’s guinea pig. Viewers applauded Walt for saving her daughter’s guinea pig. “You are teaching your daughter an invaluable lesson about compassion,” wrote one viewer