Mira Mariah is a fashion illustrator turned tattoo artist that is on a mission to help girls feel more beautiful

Mira Mariah (@girlknewyork) believes that everyone deserves to feel beautiful! That’s why Mira became a tattoo artist, magazine publisher, and “girl culture expert” who has made it her mission to make sure women feel comfortable and glamorous in their own skin. Mira specializes in feminine tattoos inspired by fashion illustrations, and also publishes a magazine dedicated to celebrating different kinds of beauty!

From a young age, Mira was interested in art and aesthetics. “I wanted my room to be gorgeous, I wanted to be gorgeous, I wanted to make gorgeous arts and crafts,” she tells In The Know. “I started drawing when I was really young. It was my favorite thing to do. When I graduated high school, I went to The Fashion Institute of Technology and spent some time in fashion.”

While attending college, Mira became interested in tattoo art. However, she was disappointed in the limited range of options when it came to tattoo designs. “I wanted these tattoos that were so feminine and so girly and I wasn’t finding artists whose art was naturally what I was looking for,” Mira recalls.

After working as an illustrator in the fashion industry for several years, Mira decided to pivot and become a tattoo artist. Her goal was to create the kind feminine, girly tattoos she was struggling to find. “I saw this void. I wanted these girly tattoos and didn’t know where to get them,” she explains. “I realized maybe that was my calling.”

After apprenticing with a tattoo artist, Mira began working on her own uniquely feminine designs. “My tattoos are recognizable by their continuous single line aesthetic, or the appearance that they kind of look like a fashion illustration, because I was a fashion illustrator for so long,” she explains. “A beauty treatment is anything that makes you feel more beautiful, so I definitely think a tattoo can fall into that.”

Mira believes that tattoos are more than just body decorations. They give women control over their own bodies and their own decisions. Tattoos, for Mira, represent freedom. “So many things happen to a woman’s body that they don’t necessarily make that decision for,” Mira explains. “Tattoos allow women to have agency and make a permanent decision about the way that their body is going to look and feel for the rest of their life, and I think that’s really empowering.”

In addition to creating unique tattoo art, Mira also publishes a beauty magazine called Knew York Rag. “Its purpose is to fill your mind with beauty and humor and inspiration and all my favorite things,” she explains. “Part of my inspiration for making the magazine was a little bit to make fun of the strict standards of beauty that the magazines I was reading were advertising. So in our magazine, there’s fake advertisements for a kind of beauty that might come from within.”

Mira’s goal is to show women that there are many different ways to feel beautiful. She believes that feeling beautiful on the outside can help women feel beautiful on the inside as well. “I really feel that it is my mission to find girls and help them feel more beautiful,” she says. “When we’re able to see ourselves in a more romantic and beautiful light, we can be more beautiful in our actions, in the way we speak to others, and we can be more welcoming to each other now that our heart is healed and happy.”

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