Minnesota Zoo Asks for Help Naming Their New Baby Giraffe

There’s a new bundle of joy at the Minnesota Zoo, and now they’re asking people to vote for the baby giraffe’s new name. They offered up a few for people to vote on: Dahlia, Aster, and Ivy. Most of the commenters voted for Ivy, but we’ll have to wait for an official tally to find out the results.

This baby girl giraffe is so adorable and lanky. She runs around her enclosure and it almost seems to be in slow motion because she’s so big already! It takes a giraffe 15 months to grow a little one, so this giraffe was definitely well-anticipated.

The zoo wants the public’s help in naming the little giraffe to further have the community involved in zoo programs. The public’s support of the zoo is what really keeps it going. And it’s a magical gift to be able to show all of the world’s animals to the general public!

Related: Older Giraffe’s Kind Gesture Toward Baby Giraffe Is Melting Hearts

We think this little giraffe is already feeling at home. Her mom is sure to introduce her to the other giraffes at the zoo in no time, and then they will really feel like a family.

In agreement with the commenters on TikTok, we think that Ivy is a great name for this little giraffe. We hope that is the name that the public agrees on, and then we’ll know for sure what her name is!

This little giraffe is sure to have a great life at the zoo with her mom. She’ll get to see people, play with the other giraffes, and feel the sun on her skin every day. It’s a great way to live as a young giraffe.

We can only hope that the rest of the public choses a name soon so the zoo can finally unveil her name. We are pulling for Ivy, but Dahlia is beautiful too!

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