Mini Dachshund Steals Dad’s Croissant and the Lack of Guilt Is a Mood

We all know that our pets love people food, and can be quite sneaky about trying to get to it. Dimsum Brown is a Dachshund whose dad must have a lot of faith in him because dad left a plate with a croissant on it on the living room couch, and when he came back Dimsum had of course stolen it.

Dad shared the video at the beginning of April. Dimsum is enjoying the treat on the couch, and Dad actually sounds surprised to find it gone when he came back into the room...I don't think any other pet parent would've been shocked! Make sure your sound is on so you can hear Dimsum's cries of protest as dad tries to get his croissant back!

Dimsum had no remorse whatsoever! He wouldn't even make eye contact with dad, and his little warning growls clearly were saying, "It's mine now!" People left lots of 'been there, done that' comments. @Kassss said, "The moment you see that side eye, you know it’s over." @_chernade_ added, "When you catch them and they try chew it so fast so you can’t have it!" @Charlie made me laugh with, "You're lucky you didnt loose a finger trying to get that back lol!"

Related: Dog's Impressive Attempt to Get Pizza Off the Counter Wins the Internet

Human Foods You Can Allow Your Dog to Eat

Croissants aren't the best thing for your pooch - they contain a lot of butter, and then more butter! While butter isn't toxic to dogs, it doesn't offer any nutritional value and is full of fat. But there are some human foods that you can safely allow your dog to eat without worrying about whether or not they are good for them.

If you enjoy cooking, consider making your own dog food or dog treats. Many people take this route so that they know exactly what their pup is eating, because of dietary restrictions or food allergies, or because they don't trust ingredients used in dry dog foods. It's time consuming, but worth it if you're concerned about your pup's health.

If cooking isn't your thing, many (but not all) fruits and veggies can be considered a healthy treat. Carrots are great because the rough and fibrous texture of carrots scrubs your dog's teeth, making them a great alternative to dental chews. Cucumbers, celery, apples and watermelon (all deseeded) are all dog-safe, too. Feed your pup these foods in moderation; some of them are high in sugar and can cause your dog to gain weight.

But not all fruits and veggies are safe for dogs. You should never feed them onions, tomato stems or leaves, avocados, chocolate, or grapes or raisins just to name a few. If you're not sure if your pet can have a food item, talk to your vet before giving it to them - it's better to be safe than sorry, and it could save your dog's life!

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