Mindy Kaling shares how she kept busy during quarantine.

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Actress Mindy Kaling spend her time working out while in quarantine.

Video Transcript

MINDY KALING: Hey, guys. I'm Mindy Kaling, and I'm going to share with you a few things that I've been obsessed with during the quarantine here in New In The Q.


One of my obsessions has been my foam roller. Since you coudn't get massages for a long time, I would [INAUDIBLE] leave that desire for a massage by foam rolling myself. And if I was walking or going for a run, it just made it so that I could exercise for so much longer. So I highly recommend.

Supergroup Unseen Sunscreen. For a lot of women who have darker complexions finding a sunscreen that does not seem like chalky or pill under your makeup or make you seem shoe this is perfect. It goes on like so smoothly and it's a great primer for makeup. I just am obsessed.

One of my favorite obsessions is the Theragun. When I don't really feel like working out I just think about the fact that after I do it I can reward myself with a self massage with the Theragun. When I use it my daughter will come into the gym and be like what are you doing. And I'm like get out. I'm using, my Theragun. It's so fun.

One other thing I've been obsessed with Tory Sport. When I could since everyone ditched their more formal clothes for like comfy athleisure. Her stuff is so great for both workouts, but also conference calls is just like a really chic way to put together. That is super comfortable.

One thing I've been obsessed with has been Propel. I love that it's the easiest way to get vitamin C and zinc and replenish electrolytes and just keep hydrated. All right, that's it. I'm Mindy Kaling, and thank you for watching my quarantinable sessions.